Paid advertising can be a great way to boost your social media marketing strategy. However, there’s an art to getting it right. Here are three helpful tips for successfully optimising paid advertising on Facebook, courtesy of the digital marketing experts at WSI OMS.


Understand Message Matching 

There is no doubt that you would like to get the best possible results for the least amount of money, right? Well, the key to this is to understand what message matching is and to use it to your advantage. In other words, match your advertising pitch to your targeted audience’s level of readiness. For example, do not try to encourage your audience to purchase something if they have yet to discover your brand as a whole.


Build Your Audience 

It is no use trying to sell to an audience of followers that does not exist. Therefore, when first starting out, angle your Facebook ads to encourage people to follow you, rather than trying to push for conversions. This will help you to build your audience and is sure to lead to improved interest and conversions in the future.


Try Split Testing 

Keep your ads fresh and powerful by split testing to see which big changes lead to conversion-lifts. Do not change minor aspects of the ad, such as a word here or there or the background colour of your image. Make larger, more noticeable changes, like using a custom photo and then a video to push the same message/objective.


If the world of paid advertising and social media marketing has become too complicated to manage, there is always the option of hiring a reputable digital marketing company to manage it for you. Contact WSI OMS today to learn more.