Do you need to find out if your social media efforts are getting you the results you want? Using the right analytics tools is essential to discovering this vital data, whether you are looking to find out if your results are stable or if you are concentrating your efforts on the right platforms.
As social media marketing has become more established and comprehensive, more accurate analytics tools have been developed.

Here are our top picks:

  • Google+ Ripples. With this great tool from Google, you can measure the reach of the posts that you’ve shared or re-shared, revealing the extent of that content’s popularity. It’s also a great way to see who found that post interesting and which posts we’re responded to the most. It’s easy to use and you can find it in the dropdown menu for the relevant post.
  • Pinterest Analytics. This tool is a great extra for tracking the way in which your website is being tracked on Pinterest, which is especially important if you are using this network to promote your business itself. It’s included for free in Pinterest and all you have to do is verify your website in order to enable this useful tracking feature.
  • Klout. This popular web analytics tool is perfect for measuring the influence of your brand across different social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+ and Foursquare. By answering questions on Klout, you can also boost your visibility on Bing, which is a great extra.
  • Twitter Analytics. This is a new feature from Twitter that can help you analyse the effectiveness of your organisations tweets. You will be able to see how many times each tweet was retweeted, favourited, replied to or had a click-through. This will help you to create a far more targeted campaign.

For leading social media services that will effectively optimise your company’s presence, contact WSI today.