Legendary LinkedIn Services

LinkedIn services in South Africa ensure that you get the most out of the largest professional networking site in the world. Using LinkedIn, you can boost your personal brand, connect with the right people, and create meaningful relationships with the people you need to meet in real life.

Why Should I Use LinkedIn?

Hailed by many as the benchmark for professional networking social media platforms, LinkedIn boasts:

An audience where 4 out of 5 drive business decisions

→ Availability in 25 languages

→ 65% of B2B companies have acquired customers through LinkedIn ads.

→ 810 million members in 200 countries and regions worldwide

→ Profiles of 58 million companies on the site

An ad reach that increased by 22 million people in Q4 2022

Hailed by many as the benchmark for professional networking social media platforms, LinkedIn boasts:

How Do I Leverage LinkedIn?

Despite all the benefits offered by LinkedIn, if you do not use the platform effectively and strategically, then your searches, messages, and further activities can be a considerable waste of time.

To maximise the networking potential of LinkedIn, there are various actions that you must carry out:

Create or update a compelling, professional LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn prefers complete profiles to those that lack information. Include a hi-res head-and-shoulder photo that is indicative of the role you aspire to. Use the cover image to make clear what you do.

Start Networking

    • Capitalise on your existing connections. Even friends, family, and existing and ex colleagues are a good starting point from which you can expand your network. Sync your profile with your email address book and turn on the “People You May Know” feature.
    • Identify the right prospects, customers, and colleagues. Having expanded your visibility, you can start to focus on meaningful and relevant connections.
    • Find the groups that you should belong to. Receive referrals and introductions to potential prospects. If you would like to connect with someone who does not know you, follow netiquette and send a personalised message laying out who you are, the context of your request, and why you would like to connect.
    • Maintain relationships with colleagues, business acquaintances, and customers. Regular engagement may be as simple as liking or commenting on their posts or sending a congratulatory message when they share some news.

Publish on LinkedIn

    • Garner more visibility by regularly posting content that hits the sweet spot between personal and professional. Authenticity is the key to building trust and elevating your status within the network.
    • From basic status updates to in-depth thought leadership pieces, always incorporate a call-to-action (CTA) to inspire engagement. Familiarise yourself with tools such as LinkedIn Publishing and LinkedIn Live.

S.O.S – I Need Help on LinkedIn!

While all this is quick to list, the time and expertise required to actually do it can be daunting – especially when you have a business to run. 

Thankfully, the digital gods are smiling on you! At WSI OMS, we are so passionate about the power of LinkedIn that we provide all the services you need to succeed on the platform:

Copywriting to craft an awe-inspiring profile and engaging content to publish on LinkedIn

Social selling strategies to boost your (business or personal) brand

Lead generation tactics to grow your network in the most lucrative way.

Leave it to the pros to do the heavy lifting while you reap the rewards!

Frequently Asked Questions About LinkedIn Services in South Africa

What is the most important thing to do on LinkedIn?

Just like face-to-face networking events, what you put in is what you get out. Rather than doing just one important thing, approach LinkedIn holistically and fully utilise the platform.

What should I say on LinkedIn?

People stew for days about the length and frequency of posts, whether to write in the first or third person, and so on. There are two solutions:

  • Use the services of LinkedIn gurus.
  • Relax in the assumption that there is no right or wrong way to share your story on LinkedIn.

How can I learn more about LinkedIn?

If you would prefer to take charge of your own LinkedIn presence, make sure you are totally au fait with the intricacies that can make a vast difference. WSI OMS runs LinkedIn training that provides a thorough understanding of how the networking platform works as well as practical advice on what works irl.

Are you ready to leverage the power of the largest professional networking site in the world? Then what are you waiting for? Contact WSI OMS today for more information about our LinkedIn services in South Africa.

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