Your email content and design can directly affect how your emails convert for mobile with your email marketing campaign. Mobile optimisation has become basic business practice for those who are looking to truly harness the marketing potential of their email and online marketing campaign. Below are a few factors that can affect the conversion of your emails to mobile:

  • Understand the engagement expectations of a mobile user – desktop users have different expectations in terms of engagement. Firstly, your email should be designed to display correctly on mobile devices. Secondly, the language should be personal, targeted and geared towards driving action from the reader.
  • In mobile marketing the demographics don’t play that much importance, especially if you are in the retail industry and selling products. Gear your emails towards making sales with clean content and eye-catching images. Your calls to action should be clear and your consumers should know exactly what to do to get in touch with you or complete a purchase.

It is clear that email marketing should be geared towards mobile users if you want to ensure you reach the majority of online consumers. Consumers tend to be concerned with consuming content on the move, while on their lunch break or between television commercials. What does this mean? They are probably not sitting at a computer and the easiest, most convenient way is to view consumer content via their mobile device. Keep the end user in mind and ensure your content, even though being sent via email, is geared towards serving the needs of the mobile user.

WSI provides professional email marketing services

At WSI we are focused on ensuring our clients email marketing campaigns are designed to convert to mobile effectively. Our online marketing services are provided by professional consultants in the field and with the right effort and attention to detail, we can take your online marketing efforts and results to new heights.

To learn more about our email marketing strategies and services, contact us at WSI via email or telephone today.