Your website is a powerful marketing tool, and ensuring a user friendly experience for all visitors to your site is absolutely essential. If you’re thinking of updating or even completely redesigning your website, take these 6 web design tips into account to ensure a great user experience:

Speed things up

There’s nothing more annoying to your website visitors than a page that loads slowly. A slow website that is heavy with large images will also be penalised by Google and is not good for your SEO. Speed things up by saving all images at the lowest file size possible, finding the best balance between quality and image size.

Create an interactive experience

Whatever your website is selling or advertising, having a clear call to action helps both you and your visitors. Obvious and easy to use call-to-action buttons make it simple to navigate your site, and also help you guide visitors to where you want them to go and increase your conversion rate.

White space is your friend

While you may be tempted to fill up every inch of space available, remember that white space is an essential element of good, user friendly design. In terms of content marketing white space surrounding text and headings increases user attention by about 20% and also improves legibility.

Make everything responsive

If your website isn’t responsive yet, then this is something you should make a priority. Responsiveness refers to a website’s ability to resize appropriately when viewed on devices with different sized screens – phones, tablets, and various desktop and laptop sizes. In this day and age, there is no excuse for a website that does not include responsive design.

Write great headings

Your h1 tags are vital for search engine optimisation but they’re also what will encourage people to spend more time on your website. Great headings include keywords, but also use content that appeals to human beings. While your focus should be finding the balance between keywords and clarity, don’t be afraid to incorporate feeling, such as aspiration or humour, into your headings if it suits your brand.

Colour code your hyperlinks

It may seem obvious, but hyperlinks should be easy for website visitors to use. The simplest way to do this is to stick with convention – most people see a word in blue and underlined and assume that it is a hyperlink. Feel free to play with colours that tie in better with your website design, however make sure that all hyperlinks are very clear.

For information on digital marketing and web design, contact us today.