Internet Marketing is an essential component to increase the visibility of a website, blog or any other online profile. As with a traditional marketing campaign, a strategic Internet Marketing plan needs to exist in order to gain the best results from your website. A website is a powerful business tool and without a marketing plan, it could be a drain on your finances.
While it is perfectly okay to have a website that simply contains contact information, why settle for that when your website can do so much more? Even the smallest local business can utilize the power of the Internet to be more efficient and to build revenue with a solid Internet Marketing plan in place.
Internet Marketing is all about driving targeted traffic to your website and it can usually be split up in the following categories:
- Search engine optimization (SEO)
- Pay per click (PPC)
- Pay for intrusion (PFI)
- Social media marketing (SMM)
- Banner advertising
- Newsletters
- Viral marketing
- Email marketing
- Affiliate marketing
Creating a solid Website Marketing plan isn’t scary or difficult. You don’t need a marketing degree to create one, only time and dedication. Most people think that by incorporating website marketing onto their existing marketing campaigns will instantly generate more business. Usually they are wrong. If you don’t have a plan, it won’t work!
Find below a couple of tips to help you create and understand a Website Marketing Plan.
Analyze all your information
Find and analyze all the information regarding your company on the internet. This will also give you an indication on how well your company’s business profile is setup online. Also identify who your targeted customers are.
Identify your challenges
The internet is full of challenges, especially in the Website Marketing industry. Write down all of your internet related challenges that you would like to overcome. Refer to this list often as it will help you stay focused while developing your Website Marketing plan.
What is your objectives?
What do you want to accomplish with your Website Marketing plan? Do you want to increase the rate of targeted unique visitors to your website? Increase your sales and business leads? Build conversation and start relationships? Every website including your Website Marketing plan needs to have a set of objectives. If it doesn’t, why bother having a website at all?
Create strategies for you objectives
Create strategies that will support your objectives. These will usually define the approach to meet your objectives. They go hand in hand. If for example you would like to create more brand awareness via social media platforms – which social media tools and networks will you be using?
Tactics for your strategies
Define your tactics for the strategies you will be using. To take the above example if you would like to create brand awareness via social media – will you be creating targeted focused groups or join existing groups regarding your niche? Will you be helping others by contributing to the conversation? Start a conversation?
A Internet Marketing plan is absolutely vital for any business wanting to create more brand awareness and sales via their website. Treat your Website Marketing plan as a work in progress. Often you could tweak and adjust the plan to meet certain requirements.
If you are a shop owner or part of a large scale company, by having a solid Website Marketing plan and following it through will extend your visiblity online and can produce you with good results.
We have been creating Internet Marketing plans for a couple of businesses over the last few years and if you require any additional information regarding this, comment below.