The combination of competition and ever-changing marketing capabilities means that many business owners don’t know where to begin when it comes to getting their site marketed online. Finding a provider that can help you generate website traffic through organic and long-lasting marketing tactics such as article marketing, videos, online press releases, a social media strategy and a website content blueprint and more is the first challenge.
Only a few truly understand
You need an active internet ‘partner’ that understands and can provide you with cutting edge advice on what it takes to make a website thrive and survive it’s competition. A great provider not only provides great services, but they also update their services to include the latest website marketing tactics on the web. They are usually ahead of the game and continually develop cutting edge tactics and know of or invent new techniques for marketing long before most other companies even consider it a strategy.
What is creative internet marketing?
There is no such thing as too much or wasted content or wasted money spend on the 3 C’s of internet marketing, content, copy and cleverness. A professional internet marketer is going to provide services that will generate website traffic for months or even years to come. You need to include activities such as pay-per-click campaign, generating permanent back links to your site, such as article marketing, videos, social marketing, press release marketing and more.
Once published online these marketing tactics spread from site to site and are used by other website owners as examples on their websites or blogs. Each time these materials are published to a new site they create another back link.
Do you have an internet marketing service provider that offers these services?
If you don’t chances are you won’t know about the latest online marketing trends. If your competition is using a firm that is up to date and innovative you may find that your page rank decreases while your competition begins to take your market share. If you have the budget to run a pay-per-click campaign while you establish your online marketing tactics, there is no harm in combining the two.
If you do not have the budget to utilize both pay-per-click and permanent marketing strategies it is recommended that you spend your money on marketing that is going to provide consistent traffic rather than one click.
Understanding the tactical use of Pay Per Click
The most professional and cost effective means of promoting your products and services is via your website and “paid listing” advertising on search engines.
A paid listing is when you pay to have your business listed on a search engine. You can do this by bidding for a keyword or phrase and it does not depend on the search engine optimisation of a website.
These listings appear once the search engine has found a certain word or phrase that you have typed in. Only once a user actually clicks on the text box will you be charged for that listing. A click on that listing takes the user to a website or dedicated landing page that you have set up.
You have to bid for a position on the page. The price of the listing depends on how many other people want that position on the page. If you want your listing on the paid listings you should do the following:
- Think about what key phrases you want to use.
- Do keyword research to find out whether your keywords are the right ones to use.
- Decide how much you want to spend per lead.
- Set up a landing page that is right for what you are advertising.
- Write a listing that will stand out from the others and that people will want to find out more about.
- Put proper tracking in place.
- Decide what your daily budget should be.
- Bid for the listing/s according to your budget (do not spend more than this).