Email marketing is a wonderful, cost-effective way in which to connect with your customers. When done right, it can lead to a massive boost in sales, social media followers and interest in your business in general. Here are 5 helpful tips from the WSI OMS team to help you make the most of your next campaign:
- Conduct A/B Testing
In doing so, you will get a better idea of what your audience best responds to in terms of subject lines, image placement, content and overall email design.
- Make it Easy for People to Opt Out
The last thing you want is to be annoying your customers. So, make it easy for them to unsubscribe from your email marketing list. Place a one-click link at the bottom of every email.
- Reward People for Reading
And we don’t just mean with inspiring content! Offer them exclusive deals like ‘5% off your next online purchase’ or a sneak peek into a new product you’re releasing. If you make them feel special and as though they are a part of an exclusive community, they are more likely to continue opening your emails!
- Focus on Your Subject Line
Make a promise… and be sure to keep it! Do what you need to pique their interest – just be sure to deliver on that promise once the email has been opened.
- Keep an Eye on Bounce Rates
If you notice that recipients are opening your emails, but closing them quickly after, it’s time to go back to the drawing board. Your images may be taking too long to download, your content may not be as gripping as you’d hoped, or you simply may not be tailoring the email to suit the needs and wants of your target market.
For professional assistance when it comes to email marketing, WSI OMS is the digital marketing agency to contact. Call us today to learn more about our range of services and how we can help you.