Rob has been a WSI Internet consultant for 3 years now and it just goes to show you what one can do when starting a WSI Internet Consult Franchise.

Just 3 years and he is up on stage teaching the rest of us on how to grow our businesses.

  • How to leverage WSI Adworks to secure recurring revenue
  • How to leverage Vertical markets








He shows us how to use the power of WSI Adworks for local search and get information such as date, time and a recording of the telephone conversation. A great way to measure customer acquisition..

I really wish we could get access to WSI Adworks in South Africa but it is only available in the USA & UK at present.

Once again we get the process that is shared in Search engine marketing, very valuable stuff.

7 Essentials of Search Campaigns

  1. Setup
  2. Budget
  3. Text ad
  4. Landing page
  5. Reporting
  6. Optimisation
  7. Keywords

Another interesting point Rob brings to our attention is to partner with other web & graphic designers and helps them add value to their client base.

This is the classic term of “co-opertition” that i experienced during my corporate days.

Building sustainable secure recurring revenue by developing trust and credibility with clients

Thanks for another great presentation and sharing with us.