If you’ve noticed a steady incline in the number of people who are unsubscribing from your emails, then it’s time to get a handle on things. If too many people start unsubscribing from your emails, then it could impact your ability to reach inboxes – and this hurts your online reputation.
Luckily, you’ve caught the issue in time and can still shake up your strategy before it starts affecting your revenue. Here are a few tactics to consider:
- Segment Your Content
People unsubscribe from newsletters and emails if they aren’t receiving information that they find relevant. Consider whether you’re annoying your subscribers with irrelevant content and look at how you can segment your email database so that you are only sending people the information that they want to receive.
Segmenting email lists goes far beyond grouping people according to general demographic information such as location, age and gender. A buyer who hasn’t engaged with your brand in over a few months, for example, should receive a different type of message than a loyal customer who has visited your site or contacted you in the past few weeks. If you can segment your mails by creating lists for buyers who are interested in specific services or product categories, even better.
- Personalise Your Messages
According to research by McKinsey, personalisation is key to driving growth within your business. Not only does it reduce acquisition costs by as much as 50%, but it can boost your revenue by 5 to 15%, and increase the efficiency of marketing spend by 10 to 30%.
Today’s internet marketing analytics have evolved to such an extent that you can include everything from the last products that the person viewed to coupons for the items that are in their shopping cart but haven’t been purchased yet.
Do you need help with your email marketing? Then get in touch with WSI OMS today.