Getting the hang of any social media marketing platform usually involves a bit of trial-and-error. If you are trying to grow your brand on Instagram, here are some of the top pitfalls to avoid:


Not Understanding the Algorithm

Instagram’s algorithm used to be chronological, but to many a brands’ dismay, this has been changed. Nowadays when you post a picture, it’s initially only posted to about 10% of your followers; if it gets a good number of likes and comments within the first hour or so, then it will be shown to the rest of your followers.


What this means for your brand is that you should be posting pictures that people will double tap on and you should be writing captions that encourage comments. You could, for example, ask your followers a question. Just be sure that you’re engaging with your audience on Instagram and replying to people who took the time to answer your question.


Not Being Consistent with Your Content

The sad truth is that most of your brand’s followers don’t care about you personally; they only follow you for the content and services you provide. If you start changing the type or style of content that you are posting, they may be inclined to unfollow you. Your followers are there for the type of content you posted when they started following you.


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