There is a great quote by Steve Forbes that says: “Your brand is the single most important investment that you will make in your business”. Here are the most critical commandments of brand design:
Great brand design is easy to look at – and you need to look successful to be successful. Having an elegant, contemporary design is what consumers of today expect. A homely, amateurish, ugly brand design is going to turn people off and it won’t help you build a business.
The world is way too noisy and complicated, and people are inundated with a large amount of visual stimulation. Everyone is looking for simplicity in their lives. If you make your brand design simple, you will make it easier to be remembered and easier for others to communicate what you offer and what you do.
Strategy is a plan for a pattern of decisions. Hope is not a strategy. You need to plan the work and work the plan. There is no execution without a strategy and there is no strategy without a vision.
All strategic branding is, is communication. You need to communicate who you are, what you do, how you do it and how you do it differently. Branding is communicated through images, colour and through verbal or written communication. You can use these three elements to tell a story, which is much more memorable than facts or figures.
Need help with your web design or digital marketing? Then contact WSI OMS today.