Every which way you turn, there is something being marketed on the latest and greatest networking platform. If you are new to digital marketing, the prospect of implementing a social media strategy can seem overwhelming. Even seasoned social media marketing campaigners can begin to feel jaded at the task of keeping up to date. How can you keep it simple and manageable?


Before You Start 

Before jumping in the deep end, ask yourself if your business actually needs social media? Obviously, we at WSI would love to run your social media campaign for you, but not if your clients and prospects aren’t that into social media. Do not feel bullied because “everyone does it” – choose what will work best for you.

Assuming you do go ahead, consider which platforms are the best fit for you, your customers and your brand. Know your ideal customer inside out, and target the places where they research their purchases.


On Your Marks 

For the best results, it is essential that you know what you are aiming for. Is your goal to increase brand awareness in general? Is it to increase the number of viable leads? Or is it to promote something specific? 

Keeping your goal in mind will make it a lot easier to create an effective social media marketing strategy. Plan what type of posts you want to share, what mix you will be sharing and how often you will be posting.

Having a clear plan laid out allows you to set up and schedule all that you need for the next fortnight or month so that there is no “radio silence” when you are busy with the running of your business.


Get Set 

Prepare content in advance – from blogs to photos and everything in between. This ensures continuity, and again, it will take the pressure off you in busy periods.



Finally, spend a little time every day checking your social media pages rather than lumping it all together in one big batch. Quick responses are an appealing part of social media for consumers, so they want to hear from you within 24 hours. 

This also gives you a chance to evaluate (test and measure) how your strategy is working out, enabling you to tweak it as necessary.



If the world of social media marketing has become too complicated to manage, there is always the option of hiring a reputable digital marketing company to manage it for you. 

Contact WSI OMS today to learn more.