If you have an email marketing strategy, then you’re already ahead of many businesses. However, if you don’t use KPIs, it’s nearly impossible to sustainably create successful email marketing campaigns.

The best KPIs to include in your email marketing strategy

1. Emails delivered

You could have 10,000 email addresses on your email list, but if only 1,000 emails get delivered, your strategy isn’t very effective. Alternatively, keeping an eye on your email delivery rate can tell you whether a certain server- such as gmail- develops a problem with your email address.

2. Emails opened

If your emails aren’t being opened, then no one is reading your content and- more importantly- no one is responding to your brand.

3. Click-to-open rate

This metric compares how many people opened your email to how many people clicked on a link in said email. The CTO rate can tell you if both your subject link and your link were effective.

4. Unsubscribe rate

If you notice significant changes to your unsubscribe rate, it means that some change you made to your email marketing strategy didn’t go over well with your audience.

5. Conversion rate

This metric is often hailed as the most valuable KPI. It measures how many people open your email, click on a link and take a specific action. The action is typically related to your CTA, such as downloading a resource, “liking” your social media page or making a purchase.

6. List growth rate

When your email list is growing at a healthy rate, you know that part of your email marketing campaign is working.

7. Sharing rate

When email recipients hit “share,” it means you’re producing quality content.

Having an effective email marketing strategy is crucial to the success of your inbound marketing efforts. If you don’t know how to create a successful strategy and track key KPIs, don’t worry. That’s what digital marketing agencies are here for! Contact us today to learn how we can help.