LinkedIn’s importance as a Peer to Peer and B2B Marketing Platform is undeniably enormous. How you present yourself as a professional individual and/or representative of your business is crucial – hence the importance of your LinkedIn Profile, especially your summary or Bio – and the importance of targeted LinkedIn copywriting.
While your LinkedIn Bio won’t break you, it could very well ‘make you’, which is why LinkedIn Profile copywriting is so commonly offered by marketing firms. They understand that you are your Brand.
Some essential elements to a great LinkedIn Bio
- A great LinkedIn Bio is shamelessly self-promoting – and therefore written in the first person, unlike many ‘Author bios’ that are often better written in the third person. You aren’t taking bashful credit for the amazing article someone has just read; you are selling yourself.
- The best Bio’s contain both informal and formal elements. You aren’t just selling your skills or what your business does, you are meeting someone. It’s kind of like shaking the reader’s hand and saying “How do you do…” with friendly eyes, a big smile and a very firm handshake.
- Your Bio tells a story. There are hundreds of people on LinkedIn with the same skill set as you and hundreds of businesses that do what your business does, but no-one has the same story. A great Bio starts with the unique story that pulls the reader in and makes them interested in what you do or what your company offers.
- The best Bios are brief. No-one wasn’t to read reams of unnecessary information – particularly at Executive level; they have neither the time nor the inclination. Your 150 – 250 words need to pack a punch. Remember it is a written handshake. You haven’t sat down at the table yet.
Far from being just for job seekers, a great Bio on LinkedIn could open networking doors you don’t even know are out there to be opened, so what are you waiting for?
Contact us at WSI OMS for a LinkedIn Profile that shines, that makes you stand out and opens doors for peer-to-peer networking and B2B marketing.