What can a web site do for me you may ask? You may think that you are one of many and just a mere dot in cyberspace but you’re wrong! Don’t under estimate and undervalue the power of the virtual world. Make it real by exposing yourself online. That may sound somewhat crude but the best way to grow your business is to expose it and bare all.
In today’s global village a web presence is a necessity for any business and, most of the time, this is how a copywriter can prove his or her credibility. Show some examples of your writing, some testimonials and link to a few blogs you have written to showcase your work. Whether you already have a website or no web presence at all you need to make the most of the internet.
In addition to communication, web sites provide a simple and easy tool through which companies can increase access to their products and services beyond the “normal” geographical constraints.
We all know a web site provides your business with a 24-hour web presence, and can attract many customers you would not otherwise reach your business in particular.
A web site can help in providing you and your clients with a competitive edge over the competition by establishing an Internet presence. No longer are your clients 5km down the road they are just a click away on the internet.
For a copywriter, a website has the fringe benefit of not just exposing your services on a marketing level but also your style standard and quality of work. It serves as visible proof to your potential client that you’re the one of choice!
Having said all of this, there is still the crucial element of standing out and making yourself different. And now you’re wondering how!
- Have a competitive edge.
- Be eye catching.
- Use words that search engines will draw traffic to your site.
- Be clear as to what you can offer and keep it simple.
- Whet the potential client’s appetite so that you get the enquiry.
Needless to say once you’ve received the enquiry you have their interest. Now you need to get them to bite by listening to their needs and offering excellent customer service, competitive prices and fulfilling the task with precision.