Next up after Avanash is his student, Dominque de Coster

My Belgium friend, Dominque. He is a dancer and entertainer of note and I only found this out while spending two days with him on sales training about 5 years ago.

Dominque has been certified on Avinash’s analytics course – so we should get some good tips here.


  • Understand the business
  • Understand the people
  • Understand their incentives

A dimension is typically an attribute of the visitor to your website

Acquisition, behavior and outcomes – once more this has been mentioned so pay attention

Data Puke – stop making your visitors puke when they get to your website

Strategy dashboards are important because of the HIPPOS (HIghest Paid People In The Organizations)

Dashboards should be Intuitive, Interactive, Tactical and Strategic

Five rules

  1. A dashboard is not a report
  2. Make recommendations that you understood it
  3. One-Page should say it all
  4. The DMMM (Digital Marketing Measurement Model) is your BFF (Best Friend for Ever
  5. Never leave room for interpretation by HIPPOs

Some great examples of what WSI ICs should focus on when creating dashboards

So I will catch him at lunch to see if I can get some examples