With over 1.5 billion people regularly using Facebook, there’s pressure on the developers at Facebook to constantly come up with new features and products, so it can be hard to keep up with this social media storm. Even if you think you know it all, there’s probably a whole bunch of tips, tricks and interesting things you didn’t know you could do on your Facebook page or profile. So let’s look at a few, shall we?

Did you know you can make your online video calls with Skype through your Facebook page? Add the Skype app to your account and start talking!

Did you know you can edit your photos directly on your profile? Using an app like Lunapic, you can add custom animation effects, two-tone colours, make greeting cards…

Did you know you can unclutter your Facebook content? With “Interest Lists”, you can organise your content into lists in a most convenient way.

Did you know about “Nearby Friends”? Activating this feature will push notifications to your phone when one of your Facebook friends has checked into a location near you.

Did you know you can tag friends in videos? You all know about tagging in photos, but you can do it in video too, pretty much the same way.

Did you know you can create and distribute petitions? With the YouSign.org.app you can use Facebook’s powerful network of people to share petitions for a good cause.

Did you know you can edit your Facebook ad preferences? The advert preferences list a range of topics that Facebook believes you may be interested in. You can remove or add to your preferences by going into your Settings, selecting Adverts, then editing in the “Ads based on my preferences” section.

Did you know that images posted via Instagram get more engagement than native Facebook image posts? Up to 23% more, according to Buzzsumo’s study.

Did you know you can download all of your Facebook information? Pictures, information and content, not to mention memories and conversations, can all be downloaded and stored in a safe (and private) place.

Did you know posts with hashtags receive less engagement than those without? Hashtags have become the default way to search for content on Twitter and Instagram, but do not have much impact on Facebook.

Did you know you can save links for later? When you don’t have time to watch a video or read a post, but want to come back to it, you can easily save the link, using the “Save Link” button on the drop-down menu in the right hand corner.

Did you know you can sync your Facebook calendar with your Google one? Add events by URL from Facebook to your Google calendar and never miss an event.

The world of social media and using this digital marketing tool to promote yourself or your business, can be baffling at times. If you need help with any aspect of your social media strategy, contact us.