Invitation to: Internet Marketing Webinar – A Recession-Proof Business

Internet Marketing Webinar – A Recession-Proof Business

Looking for a white collar professional home based franchise business that will allow you to achieve financial independence?

The hour you invest to attend this webinar will provide you with an inside view as to how Francois a current WSI Franchisee left the corporate world after 30 years and in 6 years attained financial independence in a recession proof industry. Francois will be showing how he leverages the WSI systems on a daily basis to provide high value internet marketing based solutions to help his clients achieve their business goals.

If you are looking for a new career in a high growth industry, then don’t miss this opportunity to get an inside view of how a typical WSI franchise operates and makes money.

WSI is the largest internet marketing consulting company in the world with over 1500 franchise offices in 87 countries. WSI has also been ranked by as the #1 franchise for the Internet Services industry category for the last 9 years straight.

Webinar registration information:

Topic: WSI Franchise Opportunity Webinar

Next Event: Wednesday, 15 September

Hope you can make it!

Francois Muscat

*WSI franchise opportunities are not available in India or China.*

Best Jewellery store in Melbourne

Once again I am traveling and this time I am looking for the best jewellery store in Melbourne.

As you know I am a trainer for WSI and travel the world teaching Internet Consultants my techniques of implementing Digital Marketing solutions for all types of businesses.

In this particular exercise we were brainstorming on how we could get Bevilles jewellers to a first page position on Google for the keyword phrase “best jewellery store in Melbourne”. We are attempting to achieve this with this blog post and offer a call to to action to view Beville’s jewellery catalogue to see their range of jewellery, watches and homewares at lovable prices. Isn’t that a great phrase, “lovable prices”? To me it comes from the heart, someone with passion for their business, and in this situation Bevilles Jewellers are a family business running for over 75 years.

Any jewellery business that has been operating for over 75 years must be rated as one of the best jewellery stores in Melbourne.

One of the questions asked in the training was; “How can one use Internet Marketing to effectively generate online leads for a jewellery store and in this case, in Melbourne Australia?”

There are 4 options that I would recommend and they are offered in priority:

  1. Paid search advertising such as Google PPC. To me this is the best way to get leads next week. And with an effective 90-day plan one can end up with a great performing campaign that returns the best results for your money.
  2. Search Engine Optimisation comes next. After 90 days of tweaking your PPC campaign we would have identified the best performing keyword phrases that are entered with intent. We would begin to optimise pages for these phrases and this would be the beginning of developing an online asset for a jewellery store such as Bevilles. In addition we would start to rely less on paid advertising.
  3. Social Media optimisation is one of the best ways to complement any search engine campaign and in this case I would add photos to Flickr, Facebook and create slide shows and place them on as well as as these are two busy sites that can generate a lot of referral and search traffic.
  4. Content marketing is the next best thing to engage in as this is where you deliver relevant content at exactly the moment a searcher is looking for the information. Content pages such as:
  1. What is good jewellery design?
  2. How to clean gold jewellery cheaply?
  3. What is the best time in the year to buy jewellery?

Pages such as these help introduce your brand to the visitor when they were searching for information related about your products or services. They are the best way to create a timeless online asset with generic information that people seek.

For those of you that attend my training you know that it is important to construct an optimised page if you are expecting to get a decent Google result.

One of the most important factors is to include your targeted keywords in the last 25 words of your content page. So if we are expecting to get a top 10 result for the keyword phrase “best jewellery store in Melbourne” then now is the time we should mention it.

We post this at 08h30 Australian and hope we get the result for best jewellery store in Melbourne for Bevilles Jewellers.

Best Online marketing specialist in Woodland Hills

Once again I am on the road training and this time I am looking for the best Online Marketing Specialist in Woodland Hills which is just on the outskirts of Los Angeles.

As you know I am a WSI Internet Marketing Consultant  and I travel the world training consultants on WSI’s new Digital Marketing model which has turned out to be a great success.

Our training takes place at the Hanford Hotel in Costa Mesa and we have a class of 30 Internet Consultants who are all trying to get to the top of Google for the term “Best Online Marketing Consultant in Woodland Hills. That is because we have just completed the SEO module for on-page optimization. We also know that to get good results one needs to build quality incoming links but we don’t have time for that now.

We are just going to rely on the power of our Word Press blog to help us get there and that is normally by readers bookmarking or tweeting about this post.

How to choose an Online Marketing Specialist?

Many companies that I come across ask me what they should look for in online marketing specialist as there are many people out there that say they are specialists.

I think that one qualifying question that could help you make this decision is to ask “ How active are you online and can you link me to your profiles and blog?”

A quick review of this will soon tell you whether they would qualify as the best online marketing specialist in Woodland Hills.

Looking for an online partner then contact Marc Levin’s via his website and set up a meeting to discuss your online requirements.

Best Internet Marketing Companies in Toronto

I just enjoy working for the best Internet Marketing company in the World. Here I am with some great friends that I have met playing golf on a day when South Africa is playing in the opening Soccer World Cup match against Mexico.


For those of you who know Doug Schust, he arranged the golf day for the local Toronto Internet Consultants.

So while I was looking around the table I realized the depth of experience that we have collectively as a group of WSI Franchisees. When we pull together we can take on large projects with confidence and through the use of our exclusive Solution Centers we are kept up to date with the latest in Internet Marketing technologies.

Once again this blog post is in preparation for my Digital Marketing Training and one of the exercises is using Social media optimization to supplement your search engine results.

I will post this blog during our social media session and see how quick Google indexes this post on the best Internet Marketing company in Toronto, or should I say the world.



Digital Media Training for WSI in Toronto

This week I will be presenting a number of Digital Media Training sessions with other trainers at WSI’s headquarters in Toronto. It is going to be an action packed week for the new intake of WSI Franchisees  from all over the world and I look forward to meeting them.

I remember quite clearly when I did my initial training in November 2003. I was excited about starting my new venture as I had just come out of the corporate world in South Africa. It has been hard work till now but it has all paid off. My business is doing well and we are fortunate enough to be in an industry that is changing and growing rapidly.

I really enjoy the continuous learning that this business offers as it keeps my job interesting and by being part of the WSI network I get the opportunity to meet other successful Internet Consultants and attend training sessions by them. That is the real value of investing into this WSI franchise.

This week the Digital Marketing training sessions will cover solutions that WSI Internet Consultants can offer their clients and they are categorized in 3 parts:

  1. Lead Generation
  2. Online Credibility
  3. Client/Prospect Communication

These are the 3 things that every business needs and especially so if their competitors are online.

In Lead Generation we cover:

  • Paid search marketing
  • Organic Search, known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media marketing
  • Content marketing

In Online Credibility we cover:

  • A professional “About Us” page
  • Social media profiles every business should engage in
  • Blogging to demonstrate “thought leadership” and develop credibility
  • Preparing your Google “CV”
  • Content Marketing that creates an asset out of your website

In Client/Prospect Communication we cover:

  • Email marketing so that you can stay in “touch” and “Top of Mind”
  • Blogging as an alternative to distributing news
  • Building your database list using whitepaper marketing

This is what we will cover in the first 5 days, so if you are a new WSI Franchisee you are in for a good learning session this week. Then on the weekend the Internet Consultants will attend a two day sales training workshop from Marvin Himel. Marvin has been instrumental in developing the sales process for all new WSI Franchisees.

At the moment I am in transit in Frankfurt Airport after a 10 hour flight so what better way to pass the time than by writing this blog post.

The objective of this blog post is to demonstrate how quickly one can get indexed in Google for specific and relevant keywords.

In this post we are targeting “Digital Marketing training in Toronto” as the “Long Tail” phrase. Our blog posts normally rank very well and quite quickly and although I am writing this using Windows Live Writer (offline) I will only post 1 hour before we do the blogging session.

I hope that this blog post will be picked up by Google and indexed and presented on the 1st page to prove the power of blogging.

Well that’s it for this digital media training in Toronto blog post and we hope to get a page one ranking within an hour of posting.

Kind regards


Make a website work effectively for you by understanding how it works!

Let people and’ Search Engines’, know that your business exists and what it does.

Have keywords on your site that people will use firstly to find you, then you need to create a resource site with pertinent information that will keep them coming back to your website says Jamie MacLeod, WSI Internet Marketing Consultant.

Here are a few tried and tested tips that will work for your business:

Provide lots of valuable information on your website.

Customers need to have a reason to come to you. “If they believe that you are a knowledgeable source of information, they will come.

Provide enough information

Establish yourself as knowledgeable about your product or service.” Include both articles and blogs as this keeps you fresh and topical. “You can comment about things on a timely basis and establish yourself as an expert in the field.”

Enable customer input. Let users have their say. Don’t dominate the conversation, Allow comments on blog entries. Establish a bulletin board so they can communicate with one another.

Fill orders on a timely basis. Assure that ordering is fast, easy and available. At 2 a.m., on weekends, holidays or while out of town, a customer should be able to come to your store and do business.

Online stores enjoy a huge advantage, they can offer a lot more items, and a wider assortment, without having to lease retail or warehouse space, or clutter up the basement of a home.

Use “drop shipping” to fulfill orders.

Instead of carrying inventory, simply forward the customers’ order to the manufacturer or wholesaler, which then ships directly to the customer. Your profit is the difference between wholesale and retail pricing.

Marketing your website won’t be easy.

“If you think you have trouble getting people to know about your bricks-and-mortar store, wait till you get online”. The challenge is to distinguish your website from all of the others and convince them to use YOUR SERVICES.

Lay down a footprint.

Your target market should run across a reference to your website in as many channels as possible — the community, professional organizations, other websites, the media, social networking sites and on search engines.

Practice ‘search-engine’ optimization.

” The idea is to get your website to appear on the first  search engine’s results pages so people will see it, and more importantly click through to your site. Most people aren’t in the habit of clicking past the first few search-results. “If you are not on the first couple of pages, you are just not there.”

The key to search-engine optimization is in using effective tags, or terms, to describe your business or product, he said. “The big thing is to know what customers call your product, not necessarily what you call it. If you use that precise term, you are much more likely to pop up in a search.

Ask for a content management system so that you have control of the content, and you can update it regularly. You can move things around, add things, get rid of old information.” It’s not complicated software and most people can learn it easily nowadays as it has become much more user friendly

Keep your site fresh.

Constantly updating it. “If the content doesn’t change, there’s no reason for people to come back. There’s nothing new.” If your website doesn’t contain everything that a person might come looking for, provide a link to other helpful places. If you sell bicycles, for example, include a link to a bicycle association.

The linked website needs to return the favor. When numerous sites link to yours, that’s “public recognition of your expertise,” but you should ask your SEO consultant to provide a link building service as it’s the only guaranteed and consistent way of building the necessary links that will assist to improve your rankings.