WSI Digital Marketing Training San Antonio 9-10 February

I have been asked when the training in San Antonio will be held by a number of ICs.

Just to confirm, it will be on the 9 & 10 February. The venue will be confirmed in the next day or two.

Here is what attendees will receive when attending the training

  • A step by step guide, template and real examples of my Competitor Analysis Report
  • All the slides and narrative that I use in my Sales Folder
  • Example monthly reports and templates that I use when visiting my clients
  • A mind map of the ideal IC website
  • A real example of a Digital Media Plan that I sell to my clients
  • The spread sheet templates of the Online Marketing & Competitor Analysis budgets
  • Numerous presentations that you can use for small seminars

Hope to see you soon

WSI Internet Training in Monterrey

It is a busy week for me as I am doing 4 days training on Digital Marketing training in Mexico.

The training focuses on:

  1. Generating leads for businesses
  2. Developing your online credibility so people engage
  3. Implementing a communication plan to keep top of mind

I deliver over 15 presentations and each one shows practical examples of implementing these ideas.

I will give more feedback a bit later but I had a few great testimonials and one in particular that I wish to share from Alberto Ehrsam. He increased his traffic from single figures to 168 visitors in 2 days by implementing some of the ideas we discussed.


I like to share my experience just by doing some of the tips to my site that you showed us on Monday and Tuesday of this week (Attachment)


As I mention to you before, I appreciate very much the time you took to teach us an effective “Business Model”.

Please feel free to share my testimonial… Your method works in Mexico as well!



Thanks Alberto, comments and results like these are really appreciated.

Sudáfrica vs México – Copa Mundial de Futball 2010

Desde sus humildes inicios en 1930 la Copa Mundial de la FIFA en este 2010 promete ser el evento deportivo más espectacular del mundo. Este 2010 no parece ser una excepción, se espera que más de un millardo de personas sigan este evento alrededor del mundo. Durante un mes, en este torneo se disputaran la copa 32 naciones. ¿Quien será el ganador este año?. La pregunta esta en el aire pues nunca antes en la historia se ha jugado este torneo en el continente Africano. El primer partido de este encuentro -que tal vez sea el que más espectadores tenga exceptuando la final- lo jugará el anfitrión Sudáfrica vs México. Aunque los sudafricanos tengan la ventaja de locales, históricamente los anfitriones han perdido más veces el primer partido de la copa. Esperamos que este año no sea la excepción, el equipo mexicano va preparado para ganar y aunque tuvo muchos baches en la eliminatoria parece que gracias a la dirección y entusiasmo del Vasco Aguirre ya todo quedo en el pasado. El espíritu de los  mexicanos para apoyar a nuestra selección, la experiencia previa de tantas copas mundiales nos da una ventaja muy grande que no podemos dejar pasar. El equipo verde ganará este primer partido que seguramente veremos más de mil millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Y tu, ¿que opinas?.

How’s this for my Spanish. Thanks to my good friend Jose Ramon de la Torre

WSI Franchise ranked well again

Happy New Year everyone, I hope we all have our dreams come true for 2010.

I am pleased to announce that WSI Internet Services Franchise has been ranked well again in 2009:

  • # 56 by Franchise 500 by Entrepreneur
  • #15 by Top Home Based Franchises
  • # 49 by America’s Top Global Franchise

As many of you know I have been in this business for 6 years now and it gets more exciting as the years go by. The Internet changes all the time and it is sometimes quite difficult to keep up. This is where I find value in my WSI Internet Franchise. WSI provide continuous training and education as well as encourage sharing of information amongst our Internet Consultants.

This year WSI are focusing on Digital Media Marketing which encompasses all aspects of Internet Marketing from, search engine marketing to social media marketing and bringing it altogether in a custom developed website where we can measure the return on Internet Marketing spend.

Over the past 6 years I have been fortunate enough to be mentored by the best WSI Internet Consultants. They are; Ronnie Adelman, Dough Schust, Gary Levine & Chuck Bankoff. Not only did they let me into their business, they also invited me to their homes and we have developed some great friendships.

This year WSI is providing more training for us and I encourage all WSI ICs to engage with system and work together on our winning formulae.

Happy New Year to all of you and if you ever want to discuss this great business opportunity, feel free to contact me.

WSI Franchise grows in South Africa

As the WSI Area Representative in South Africa I am pleased to welcome our latest WSI Franchisee to the rest of our team. We are growing from strength to strength and to get someone like Johnny Da Silva’s calibre, what a pleasure.

Johnny has just returned from his training in Toronto and is eager to start.

Johnny is an established entrepreneur and owns a total of 8 Captain DoRegos’ franchises in Bloemfontein. He was recently awarded the Franchisee of the Year award that is sponsored by Absa Bank.

Some stats on Johnny’s achievements:

  • His outlets serve over 102,000 people last year. A lot of fish for the Freestate:)
  • He is involved in numerous community projects and events and sponsors charity events

Here is a photo of Johnny receiving his award


From the rest of the team we welcome you and wish you the best success in 2010.

Digital Marketing Training

On the 5th & 6th December I attended the WSI Digital Marketing Training in Toronto. I was amongst the top 70 WSI Internet Consultants that were invited and it was a great opportunity to meet up with many of my friends from all over the world.

There were 13 presentations and workshops and I was fortunate enough to present 9 of these sessions alongside Maribel Guiste, Francisco Hernandez, Doug Schust, Chris Schofield and Feras Alhlou.

It was an honour for me to be presenting and I just have to mention all the WSI consultants that helped me to build a successful business.

Ronnie Adelman who has been my mentor for 3 years now. He is a generous man and I have spent over 60 days in his office this year.

Doug Schust who let me spend a couple of days in his office early on in the business.

Along with Chuck Bankoff, Gary Levine & Feras Alhlou, all have openly shared their successes with me and I really appreciate their help.

Competitor Analysis presentation:

I presented and demonstrated the process I go through when doing a competitive analysis for my clients.

Here is what we covered in this presentation

  • When do you propose a Competitor Analysis?
  • The benefits of a Competitor Analysis?
  • How to do a Competitor analysis?
  • What information to gather?
  • My Competitor analysis toolbox
  • Creating a Competitor dashboard
  • Mapping the Competitor strategy
  • Developing the ideal budget
  • How to achieve results?
  • How to measure the results?

The competitor analysis report really helps to differentiate ourselves as Internet Marketing consultants and it has many benefits for our clients. We recommend a competitor analysis for a:

  • New prospect start-up
  • New product launch
  • Client has own SEO team
  • Client has difficulty in getting search traffic
  • Client is using your competitor
  • Client doesn’t know how much they should spend online

The outcome of the competitor analysis is a dashboard containing the selected competitors online marketing information. Through careful interpretation we identify the competitor’s online strategies and develop a plan to compete effectively.




Our recommendations and costs to implement are presented in a spreadsheet and this serves as a roadmap for our client to achieve their online goals in a cost effective manner.



All the delegates received a sales sheet, the competitor analysis template and a step by step guide to help with implementation as well as the budget spreadsheet template.

A number of WSI Internet Consultants have ordered a competitor analysis from our solution center and many have closed much larger deals through the use this tool.