A few golden rules for great copywriting from WSI

A few golden rules for great copywriting from WSI

Great copywriting is a crucial part of any internet marketing strategy for many reasons. Firstly and perhaps most importantly, good copywriting can help turn each visitor to your website into a customer if they’re able to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. Your website content should also express your company’s message and ideals in a way that is easily understood by everyone.

Want to be a good copywriter? Don’t forget these golden rules:

  • Just the facts. Visitors to your website are looking for information about your products or services, so make sure the basic facts about your company are highly visible. Don’t try to dress up your website copy with fancy jargon and a lot of fluff; people want to be able to find information quickly.
  • Identify the promises your company can make to readers or customers, and state them explicitly. If you’re a carpet company and can promise a customer a free in-home estimate for putting carpet down, make sure your website states this. Explicitly stating promises can serve as a call to action and make the difference between a visitor and a customer.
  • Use active and descriptive language. For art galleries, painting companies, furniture companies or anything with a strong visual element, this is especially important. In addition to having images on your website, you want readers to be able to visualise what you’re describing as they read the sentences.

At WSI we have a team of professional copywriters who will create unique and compelling content for your website or blog. Writing copy can be a daunting task, so rather than stress over it simply call us and leave it to the experts. We’ll take the time to get to know your company, understand its message and create content that helps you stand out amongst the competition.

If you’d like to learn about professional copywriting services from WSI, please contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Why hire a professional to do your copywriting?

Why hire a professional to do your copywriting?

You may not think that you need the services of a professional copywriter, but having well-written copy on your website is a crucial part of securing a high search engine ranking, reaching your target audiences and ensuring that everyone who visits your website is able to find what they need quickly and easily.

At WSI we have a team of professional who specialise in copywriting; we’ll get to know your company, identify the tone of voice that you want to convey and figure out the best way to get your message across using high-performing copy. Whether you want your blog updated monthly or several times a month, our writers can create compelling and creative content tailored to your website.

WSI’s professional copywriters are responsible for:

  • Website content – Your site needs content that turns each visitor into a customer, as well as content that helps people find the information they need quickly and easily. If your website is confusing or too cluttered, you’ll lose visitors quickly.
  • Blog posts – We recommend your blog be updated at least once a month, as fresh content is necessary to maintain a good place in search engine rankings as well as communicate information about your products or services.
  • Press releases – If your company has something newsworthy to announce, don’t underestimate the power of a well-written press release!

When your copywriting is handled by professionals, you’ll have time to devote your energy to more important aspects of your business without having to stress about writing compelling content. Simply relax and leave the work to us! If you’d like to learn about professional copywriting services from WSI, please contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

5 tips to help you become a good marketing copywriter

5 tips to help you become a good marketing copywriter

A succesful internet marketing strategy will always include good copywriting, but writing blog content, web content, or any other type of content is often more difficult than it seems. The content on your website is hugely important because it determines a number of factors, including how your website ranks in search engine results, who is able to find your website and how wide of an audience reach you have.

Want to become a better copywriter? Here are some tips:

  • Write without punctuation and in a stream of consciousness style. Your first draft will almost never be your final draft, so if you get some ideas swirling around then get them down on paper and don’t worry about proper punctuation or grammar – that will come later!
  • Write two different descriptions of the same product or service, using the same keywords, and see which one is better performing. It’s a way for you to learn what works best.
  • Use second person – ‘You’ – rather than using third person in the copy. Addressing the person who is reading your website as “you” is much more personal and direct than referring to them as a customer or something similar. Unless you’ve been instructed to write in an extremely formal style, casual and personable language is usually best.
  • Consider dictation. Some people have an easier time speaking rather than writing, so you may find that speaking into a recorder then transcribing it is preferble to you.
  • Be cautious that you don’t come across as too sales-y. Professional copywriting should not be ‘sell, sell, sell!’ Rather, it should inform, answer questions and persuade.

If you’d like to learn about professional copywriting services from WSI, please contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Effective copywriting for landing pages

Effective copywriting for landing pages

It should be said that copywriting professionals should be contracted to write not only your landing page, but every page of your website. The reasons for this are simple, every page needs to be well written if you want to make the right impression and there should also be a sense of continuity among the pages so that they fit neatly together and every page doesn’t feel like a new website. That is what a copywriting professional will do for you.

If you’re looking for professional copywriters that will get the job done, consider WSI OMS.

But back to landing pages: What is important to remember is that there is a slight difference between your landing page and all the other pages of your website. Your landing page should be the page that people land on following online ads or certain keywords in your blogs and on you webpage and should be the gateway the user passes through to purchase something. In other words, it should give people that final push to buy and allow them to do what needs to be done to finalise the sale. This is what good landing pages do.

Most of the general and proven copywriting tactics still apply, but where the difference comes in is that, on this page, you’re not helping readers to find what they want, but are delivering it. It is focused entirely on the offer you are making, so information must be precise and to the point.  This is where you need copy with action words like ‘learn how to’, ‘download today’ or ‘buy now’ etc.

Lastly, you need copy that highlights the value of your products and/or services multiple times and in a multitude of different ways. Also address the visitor in the second person narrative, namely ‘you’.

To ensure you get it right contact us today, because we know all the inns and outs of copywriting for web pages, even landing pages.

What copywriting experts know that you don’t

What copywriting experts know that you don’t

Let us be clear. Yes, in this blog you’ll find copywriting tips that, if followed, can improve the quality of your copy. But what needs to be remembered is that writing is essentially a talent, something you’re born with, and copywriting is no different.

In other words, if you are currently in the process of launching an online marketing campaign and you’re thinking of writing all the copy needed yourself – even though you haven’t really written anything like this before – you will probably discover that writing effective copy takes a lot more than knowing what you want to say and a can-do-kind-of attitude.

If you’re already feeling discouraged, rather get professional copywriters like WSI OMS to help you. If not, read on and ask yourself if you are truly able to do the following:

  1. You must be able to make people feel something. Good copy addresses a familiar feeling the reader has and so establishes an emotional connection between the reader and the brand or product. If you are selling a product or service that aims to make people’s lives easier, address the frustration they experience without it. If you are selling something that falls into the leisure market, on the other hand, recall good times shared with friends and link it to that.
  2. Good copy that works speaks about the things that really matter to buyers. Contrary to popular belief, these things are not low prices and exceptional savings, because people are prepared to pay more if the product or service is worth it. What is more valuable to buyers than a good price is their time, troubles and objectives. You have to show them that what you’re selling will save them time, make life easier and help them to achieve what they hope to achieve.

If you can do this, you can write copy that will sell what you’re selling. If not, rather contact us because these are the copywriting guidelines we follow.

With copywriting, good ranking does not equal good results

With copywriting, good ranking does not equal good results

Your company must have a website, you need to advertise online and get a professional to handle the copywriting requirements etc. All in the name of the holy grail of online marketing: upping your SEO.

All this is true… but be careful who you go to because it’s not just about what and how frequently you say it that matters anymore. Now, how you say it counts too.

These days, people have become so comfortable with the technologies involved in mobile communication that we have stopped thinking about how it works and therefore have a much more personal relationship with the content. This means that, to be effective, your online marketing copy will need to be actually engaging and not just there, and that is why hiring a company like WSI OMS to handle it for you deserves a serious thought.

Actually, hiring digital marketing copy experts is important! Here’s why: You’re doing some product research so you go online, type in your keywords, click on ‘search’ and off you go. Up pops the list of relevant sites and you start opening them up, one by one, from the top (the first place where getting a professional copywriter to improve your SEO comes in handy). However, the first one is so patronising that you close it. With the second one they didn’t even bother to correct the grammar or spelling, so obviously this is NOT a company that puts much emphasis on professionalism. Third site? Off topic and boring… close.

See? Even if you get a high SEO rating, if the content of the webpage is badly written you will also increase the bounce rate and decrease time on site, opt-ins, buys and subscribers, referrals and shares and all the things you need people to do for any of this to have been worthwhile.

If you need help with upping the quality of your copywriting and not just your SEO contact us today.