How to create a winning landing page

A landing page is a web page that is created for a purpose of driving your target market towards some intended action. It is essential for you to create a landing page that your online visitors can quickly relate to, thus your landing page needs to focus on only what needs to be present for you to get the conversion. Here are some tips for creating effective landing pages for your Google pay per click campaigns (more…)

What is the personality of your website?

Every visitor to your website or blog will have a look at what you offer from their own view of the world.  Their personality type is quite an important factor in how they interpret your message. Each personality type will ask different questions and require different types and amounts of information before they decide to buy or take an action.

The personality of your website plays a big role in online marketing

There are four personality categories that you should look for.


Analytical people always prefers to focus on “how” questions.  These are the detailed oriented engineering types.  They want to know how things work.  To analytical people, knowledge is power.  They will want to read and research, look at the technical specification and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each features.  They want the details.


These people live life to have some fun.  They are frequently extroverts and a life of party. They focus on “why” questions.  They look for energy and want to experience life.  They are also easily bored with too much information and prefer to make quick decisions.  They are also usually competitive. They tend to dislike abstract ideas and prefer specific and practical solutions.  Appeal to their five senses to get their attention.  Create interactive environments on your website or blog with video or other social means.

Rules driven

These are the people that are more practical and dependable customers.  Once they are comfortable with a product or service, they resist change.  They have a firm opinion on right and wrong.  They are usually quiet and conservative.  They also prefer to focus on the “what” questions.  They like the details and turn into loyal repeat buyers.  They also prefer order and organization.  This group are not risk takers so guarantees and other trust elements are important to them.


Sociable people are sensitive, caring and also nurturing.  They prefer to focus on “who” questions.  They are great communicators.  How will the product affect their life and make things easier for them? Turn off by too much technical information.  They just want it to work.  They seek peace and harmony.  They will make decisions frequently based on feelings rather than facts.

The nature of the products and services that you offer will attract different types of visitors. Understand the personalities of your ideal target customers.  The sales pitch for your website should be tailored to your ideal visitor. Create multiple paths or information buttons on your website to appeal to each personality type.

How to build landing pages that converts

A landing page is the specific website page that a visitor reaches after clicking on a online advertisement or link. This is a powerful way to increase your business leads.  This could be your customized sales pitch.  It usually provides detailed information on the specific offer that you are advertising and it should always be designed to get the visitor to take action and trust you.

A well crafted and optimized landing page can convert a higher percentage of your visitors into business leads or into buyers. What is a excellent landing page? It should always answer the following:

  1. How do I get started?
  2. What is your offer?
  3. Who is this for?
  4. What solution are you offering?
  5. What problem are you solving?

Landing Page Best Practices:


Always make your online advertisement and your landing page highly relevant to each other. Repeat your advertisement text in the headline of your landing page.  What you offer should match your online advertisement.  Avoid any perception of “bait and switch” by your visitor.


Simplify the actions that your visitors must take.  Do not provide multiple option and offers on a landing page.  This will confuse the visitor and they will leave without taking any action at all.  Eliminate all the page navigation except toward the action you want them to take.  Organize your content into a simple visual format that is quick to scan and understand.


Always make the call to action visible, clear and above the fold.  Provide a short easy path for visitors to buy or request information.  Make sure your call to action stands out from the rest of the content.

Minimum information

Request only the minimum amount of information that you require for purchases and forms.  If you require too much information that is non essential to the advertisement or offer, many visitors will abandon your form and leave your page.


Answer this question “Why should your visitors trust you?”.  Offer a 100% unconditional money back guarantee.  Have a simple returns policy.  Include real testimonials from real customers.  Include trust logos from organization you belong to.  Reassure your visitors that their information will remain private. Have your phone number and physical address on the page.

Leave a comment below if you require more information regarding landing pages or if you require more information on how to increase your business leads.

Digital Marketing Training

On the 5th & 6th December I attended the WSI Digital Marketing Training in Toronto. I was amongst the top 70 WSI Internet Consultants that were invited and it was a great opportunity to meet up with many of my friends from all over the world.

There were 13 presentations and workshops and I was fortunate enough to present 9 of these sessions alongside Maribel Guiste, Francisco Hernandez, Doug Schust, Chris Schofield and Feras Alhlou.

It was an honour for me to be presenting and I just have to mention all the WSI consultants that helped me to build a successful business.

Ronnie Adelman who has been my mentor for 3 years now. He is a generous man and I have spent over 60 days in his office this year.

Doug Schust who let me spend a couple of days in his office early on in the business.

Along with Chuck Bankoff, Gary Levine & Feras Alhlou, all have openly shared their successes with me and I really appreciate their help.

Competitor Analysis presentation:

I presented and demonstrated the process I go through when doing a competitive analysis for my clients.

Here is what we covered in this presentation

  • When do you propose a Competitor Analysis?
  • The benefits of a Competitor Analysis?
  • How to do a Competitor analysis?
  • What information to gather?
  • My Competitor analysis toolbox
  • Creating a Competitor dashboard
  • Mapping the Competitor strategy
  • Developing the ideal budget
  • How to achieve results?
  • How to measure the results?

The competitor analysis report really helps to differentiate ourselves as Internet Marketing consultants and it has many benefits for our clients. We recommend a competitor analysis for a:

  • New prospect start-up
  • New product launch
  • Client has own SEO team
  • Client has difficulty in getting search traffic
  • Client is using your competitor
  • Client doesn’t know how much they should spend online

The outcome of the competitor analysis is a dashboard containing the selected competitors online marketing information. Through careful interpretation we identify the competitor’s online strategies and develop a plan to compete effectively.




Our recommendations and costs to implement are presented in a spreadsheet and this serves as a roadmap for our client to achieve their online goals in a cost effective manner.



All the delegates received a sales sheet, the competitor analysis template and a step by step guide to help with implementation as well as the budget spreadsheet template.

A number of WSI Internet Consultants have ordered a competitor analysis from our solution center and many have closed much larger deals through the use this tool.

Who is your targeted customer?

If your main goal (it should be) is to attract people that are interested in what you have to offer, knowing who your audience is and what they are looking for is crucial. Your website needs to be focused on a specific segment of people with a specific need.  Too many many people are trying to make their website too broad to cover everyone.

The bottom line is…if you build a website for everyone, it will attract no one.  Except if you are Google.

Build your website to suit the taste of your ideal customer.  Be always specific if you think about who they are.  Not just about their income, age or education.  Think about what their interests are and what they like.  What information are they looking for? What makes them cry or laugh? What keeps them up at night thinking?

You do not just want to attract their interests. You also want to engage with them and start a conversation that will be beneficial to you both. You want their full attention so they are listening to what you have to offer. The motivation to buy is directly related to the specific problem, pain or frustration that your customer is experiencing.

This can affect the look and color of your website.  Should you use videos? Will they respond more to a businesslike formal style writing or to a friendly informal style? You must create content that will resonate with them.

You are a problem solving service and a solution to their queries. Since you truly understand their needs and queries; they trust you and this will make them take action. Once they trust you they will buy, call, sign up or download anything you have to offer.

Knowing your targeted customer is critical.  Not only to your website, but also when you are running a social media marketing campaign or any other lead generating service as well.  Who are you going to present your information to?

Internet Marketing Strategies that are guaranteed to increase your sales

Do you have an Internet marketing strategy running concurrently with your marketing strategy?

If not, here are seven proven marketing strategies you can use to boost online sales. I am constantly amazed by the number of people I meet who have absolutely no online marketing strategy.

I am even more amazed by the number of people who believe all they have to do is buy a domain, slap a few HTML pages together (as cheaply as possible)and place them on a web host somewhere.

Then they expect search engines and prospects to find and interact with them because their site is on the web! Creating an online portal takes planning and needs to be underpinned by your business strategy.

Do you want your site or business to succeed?

Then you must have a plan of action and a fundamental marketing strategy for your online marketing.  WSI-We Simplify the Internet, has the unique ability to gather and share the ‘learning’s of over 2500 Internet marketing Consultants worldwide. Creating marketing strategies that are based on fact helps fast track companies that are operating in very competitive environments.

Now, I would like to share with you some of these marketing strategies and practices –

1. Know Your Target Market or Persona

First and foremost, you must know your market. Know WHO you will be targeting with your marketing messages? Know WHO will be buying your products that you’re promoting on the web? Keep your eyes open for hot trends or products that everyone is buying.

Work with an Internet marketing specialist to allow you to find out which products are becoming hot. For example, in electronics, which products are on everyone’s wish list? Is it laptops, PCs, Smart phones or Blu-ray Players?

Find what products are being searched for in the search engines… do a check to see how many searches are made each month for your chosen product? If there is a large demand/audience/market for your product, then you have a much better chance of succeeding online.

It is a simple marketing strategy that many first time marketers ignore – please don’t. So choose your products to match the demand that is out there for them.

2. Insure you are able to target ‘buyers’ at the exact moment that they are in ‘buying’ mode.

One of the key elements to selling online is letting people find you at the exact moment they are ready to buy. These people already have their minds set on buying something when they reach your site.

This is much easier than you think! A simple way I found to do this is to create sites which target keywords related to buying… such as gifts, bargains, special deals and so on.

For example, a site on birthday gifts will obviously attract customers who are interested in buying birthday gifts. Another very simple way to boost sales.

3. Target Special Holidays as these support sales for specific items.

Along the same lines, target times when people feel obligated to buy presents for their nearest and dearest. Using special holidays like Christmas, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Back to School, Easter and all the rest.. in your marketing can be very effective.

There are occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, graduations… when people feel they must buy something for a loved one or special friend. Targeting those occasions with your marketing can be extremely effective… people are looking for gifts and want to buy- you simply help them find what they’re looking for.

4. Place All Your Emphasis On Supplying Information.

The majority of people (around 68%) searching on the web are looking for information – first and foremost – even those who are ready to buy. They want information on the subject or product they’re searching for.

It should be your marketing strategy to provide lots of content on your site that provides them with this information. If you give solid information they will be pleased and take note of your site and a few will buy the products you recommend, but information must come first.

Even popular selling sites like give loads of consumer information and feedback while selling their products. Consumers want information on the products they’re buying. Supply this information and you will sell more products.

5. Target Long Tail Keyword Phrases In Your SEO.

If you’re selling stuff on the web, you must use the search engines to bring in those quality visitors and potential buyers to your site. You must also rank high in the search engines for your chosen keywords.

SEO is not easy but it is also not that hard to do. In order to rank high you must be persistent, have a six month or yearly plan… work at it over time, even years to build up your rankings.

However, there’s quicker way to get quality traffic. Instead of targeting highly competitive popular keywords, target longer keyword phrases that have little competition. For example, someone searching for a particular brand and model is more likely to buy then someone searching for a general topic.

Someone searching for “cars” compared to someone searching for “2007 Peugeot, GTI, 2lit” – the last phrase will have very few searches but it can produce more targeted searchers.

6. Build Lists of Interested Buyers.

One of my most effective marketing strategies is building lists of people who elect to receive further information. The web is a very temporary process since most people spend less than a few seconds on most sites. So it is important that you try and get them to opt-in to your mailing list, join your Twitter account, FaceBook group or follow your Blog posts… and so on.

Build lists of people who are interested in finding out more about your subject or product. This way you will have repeat visitors to your site and you will get the opportunity to sell to them again and again. If you build a trusting ‘relevant ’relationship with these contacts, they will respect your opinions and suggestions.

List building can have a very positive effect on your sales numbers so it is one marketing strategy you should definitely try.

7. Sell Things that are unique in that You Can ONLY Buy them Online .

Selling stuff that can only be bought online should do much better than selling stuff that can be bought at your local MAKRO store. If buyers can only find it online, then you will have a much better chance of selling it to them.

Therefore, marketing unique products, which are only available online can prove very lucrative. This is a very simple marketing strategy but also a very effective one. Just try it.

There are no doubt, countless other marketing strategies you can use. But using some or all of the ones listed above will help increase your online sales. Again, just try them and see for yourself.