by Marianna Muscat | Apr 8, 2019 | Pinterest
250 million people use Pinterest every month. Therefore, if you have yet to include this popular social media platform in your company’s social media marketing strategy, now is the time to do so! The great news is that, when using Pinterest Analytics, it is easy to gain insights into not only who your followers are, but also into what their online preferences are as well as how they behave. Here is what you need to know:
- What Pinterest Analytics Can Tell You
Just like most other platforms when it comes to social media marketing, Pinterest Analytics will provide you with details regarding your company profile and the number of impressions that it has received within a specified period of time. You will also be able to find out the following:
- How many saves/re-pins you have received,
- How many people have clicked on your pins, and
- A snap-shot look at how your content has performed overall since opening your Pinterest account.
Pinterest Analytics can also provide you with helpful insights into the audience that you are reaching and who is engaging with your content the most. You will learn how many people you are reaching and how many of those people are engaging with your brand. You will learn about their age, gender, location, and which device they are using. You can also find out which categories and interests your audience is associated with to give you more ideas for future content marketing.
- Worried About Using Pinterest Analytics?
Are you worried about making use of Pinterest Analytics? Fear not – this platform is extremely user-friendly and streamlined for your convenience. You will find your Analytics by clicking on the Analytics tab in the top left-hand corner of the navigation bar and go from there.
If you’re determined to truly make the most of your social media marketing and the data insights available to you as a result of this, it may be time to seek professional assistance from the experts. Here at WSI OMS, we specialise in content marketing, mobile marketing, social media marketing, website design and website development. Get in touch with us now to learn more.
by Marelise da Silva | Dec 22, 2016 | Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Social Media Marketing, Twitter
Everyone and their grandmother seem to have a smartphone these days. In fact, the scope of smartphone users is growing to include much older and much younger users than ever before and you know what that means for your business? It means that you have more social media marketing opportunities than ever before. If your business isn’t performing as you thought it would on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, then it’s time to make a change, before you miss out on potential exposure and profits.
Below we share just a few social media marketing tips to help your online advertising campaign:
- Capitalize on images and videos. Social media platforms are predominantly flooded with pictures and videos because they’re quick to view, fun and don’t require too much reading. Keep it simple, fun and interesting on your social media accounts and you could notice a change in your target audience’s response.
- Narrow down your target audience. You cannot appeal to everyone: that’s an impossible task and a huge waste of time. Know who your target consumer is and make sure that all your social media posts will be particularly interesting or appealing to that specific person / type of person. It’s tempting to try to please and entertain everyone but that’s not going to engage with the right people or make sales.
- Analyze the success of your online content. If an online advert is doing particularly well, use it on your social media platforms too. Also, make sure that you’re posting the type of content that’s already working well for your brand. Trying new things is great, but don’t lose sight of what works in the process.
These are just a few strategic ways to ensure that your social media marketing can succeed.
Social media marketing services offered by WSI OMS
At WSI OMS we can provide advice on social media marketing or we can create full-fledged social media marketing campaigns across various platforms that are highly targeted and guaranteed to be a success for your business. For more information and advice, simply contact us via email or telephone at WSI OMS today.
by Marianna Muscat | Mar 22, 2016 | Blogging, Pinterest, Social Media Marketing
For social media marketing campaigns, there’s no beating the power of Pinterest for bloggers. Unlike Tweets and posts on Facebook or Google+, which have relatively short lives, Pinterest pins will be repinned over and over, some even being pinned years later. They continue to gain traction for months after they are originally pinned. Here are some tips to get long-term, solid traffic referral from Pinterest.
When you get started, you’ll need to create about ten boards with a minimum of ten pins each. One board should be for your blog content and another for the general topic of your blog. It’s fine to pin your posts across several boards, but spread them out over time and pin other content in between, so you don’t give the impression of being spammy. It’s a good idea to stay active on Pinterest, to keep your presence relevant.
Use keywords when you name your interest boards and write descriptions. Pinterest is a guided search engine that helps pinners find great content using keywords. Writing descriptions with keywords to help it be found by the search is good, stuffing it full of keywords is not. Try to come up with inspiring descriptions that will help your pins be found on the Pinterest Smart Feed. They obviously need to be relevant to your content, so people won’t be disappointed when they click through. Hashtags are not used on Pinterest, so leave them out. Make sure each Pinterest board has a category as well, to help with its searchability.
Start a Pinterest for Business account – there are no negatives to this. You need to have a business account to access the analytics, but you can also add Rich Pins so each pin from your blog has enhanced meta-data.
Add a Pin-it button to your blog – this makes it easier for people to share your content.
Use a Pinterest friendly image for every blog post – it helps with repins dramatically. The elements that make a great pin image are:
- Size 735 x 1102 pixels
- Tall, vertical images work best
- Minimal and easy to read text
- Ensure your images work on mobile
- Add your logo or URL, as long as it doesn’t dominate
- Use a clear, beautiful image or graphic
It’s a good idea to share your pins on other social networks. Add links to your pins on Facebook, Google+, Tumblr and LinkedIn. You can also add a link to your Pinterest presence in your email signature, or add your most popular pin of the week in your weekly mail blast. Make sure you practice good SEO techniques when posting your blogs post pins.
The final thing to remember is to follow your followers – you’ll get more engagement that way. Repin industry leaders and any other content your followers would like.
For more on social media and the effect that using them can have on your business, contact us. There’s so much going on out there – let us decipher it for you!
by Francois Muscat | Feb 10, 2016 | Pinterest, Social Media Marketing
Like other social media platforms, Pinterest have analytics that can tell you a lot about your business, your customers and can shape the way you do your business. With Pinterest, you can see what people like from your profile, what they save from your website and what they are interested in too.
Pinterest Analytics only works on a business profile, but a personal profile can easily be converted. From your profile page, the analytics button is found on a drop down menu from ‘Edit Profile’. Once in, you’re taken to a dashboard where you’ll find an overview of what’s going on with your profile:
- Average daily impressions
- Average daily viewers
- Average monthly viewers
- Average monthly engaged
- Top pin impressions in the past 30 days
In addition, using a code you obtain from Pinterest to confirm you are the owner of your website, you’ll be able to know what all of your website content is doing on Pinterest (Website Analytics), not just the pins you’ve pinned. This shows you how your content is performing overall, a vital piece of information.
Under your Pinterest Profile, you’ll be able to review Impressions, Repins, Clicks and All Time Data. This will tell you how well your content is performing on Pinterest, over specific timeframes. Pin insights will give you advice on how to increase Impressions, Clicks and Repins so you can refine your strategy and reach more people. It will also tell you what devices your audience is using.
Under Audience Analytics, you can access information about your audience, from both demographics and interests. With Demographics, you’ll be able to discover your average monthly viewers, average monthly engaged, country of your audience, metro, language and gender. Under the Interests tab, you can find out the variety of topics and niches your audience find interesting. This is a great way to find out who your competition is, as well as getting ideas of what to pin next.
Whilst time consuming, the information you can glean about your content and the audience viewing it, is core to the success of your business. Having a presence on a number of social media platforms means you need to look at the analytics for each one, since your audience on each may be slightly different. Using analytics can help you find and create content that is more relevant to the audience you have.
Pinterest is going from strength to strength, with the recent developments of buyable pins, location data enablement, personal messaging and visual search. Any business not already on Pinterest will want to get on board as soon as possible.
To find out more about social media marketing and social selling, contact us – we’d love to assist in your strategy to reach a wider audience.
by Marelise da Silva | Nov 12, 2015 | Online Marketing, Pinterest, Website Optimization
Many people mistakenly believe that involving themselves in random pinning on Pinterest will do wonders for their social media marketing campaigns success. Unfortunately there’s a bit more effort required to get your Pinterest account working for you and earning new followers for your brand. You need to learn how to build a strong presence on Pinterest that offers your followers and potential followers an attractive and engaging visual experience.
Keep in mind that most browsers use Pinterest as a source of inspiration and as such you need to cater to this particular need that your browsers have. If you want to reach your target audience, keep your social media campaign’s visual portfolios or pin boards interesting, positive and inspirational. You will need to share who you are, build your expertise, share your passions and interests with others as well as entertain and inspire others.
Below are a few tips to using Pinterest effectively to grow your business brand’s following:
- Make your pins as appealing as you possibly can with intriguing images, clear text and detailed descriptions.
- Don’t forget to use a variety of keywords in your image’s names and descriptions. This helps browsers find your particular type of pin in their feed discovery search.
- Add branding to your pin with your company website address and of course your logo. Don’t let this overwhelm the image though.
- If you want to ensure that your pin does well in Pinterest’s Smart Feed, avoid the use of hashtags.
- Always post pins at peak times on Pinterest and make sure that you are pinning a few times a day. This will also help you to ascertain when the best times to pin are.
- Re-pin and share other related pins or those of your target audience. This will gain you some added exposure and start to create an online relationship with your customer base.
Online Marketing Strategies Professionally Crafted by WSI
At WSI we offer social media marketing tips and advice as well as professional online marketing strategies and services to help you grow your brand’s following. With our assistance you can boost your online presence and reach your target audience with greater ease.
If you would like to learn more about effective online marketing strategies and how to boost your presence on Pinterest and other social media platforms, WSI can assist. For more information and advice, contact us at WSI today.
by Francois Muscat | Jul 15, 2014 | Pinterest, Social Media Marketing
Did your Pinterest marketing strategy start off with a bang and suddenly come to a halt? There may be some basic problems with the layout of your page (or it could be that your entire strategy needs a reboot). Read these tips to keep your Pinterest marketing strategy fresh:
Brand your page
Don’t use your personal name or picture for your company’s Pinterest page. Make sure your logo and company name are at the top of your Pinterest profile so that people know where the images are coming from and can choose to follow either all of your boards or a few selected pin boards
Create a logical structure on your profile
With Pinterest, you’re able to create different pin boards. Group your images according to the different services or products that you offer. Name the boards accordingly so that a Pinterest user can easily identify what you offer and click on relevant images.
Let your consumers take the lead
Don’t simply post pictures and pins and hope for the best. Take a look at who is following your boards, who’srepinning your images and what else they are interested in. They key to a successful Pinterest marketing strategy is staying on top of the latest trends and keeping your boards dynamic and engaging. Many times, people are too close to their own business to be able to take a step back and see all the opportunities that come (and go) in their industry. In this case, it might be worth your while to hire digital marketers who can analyse your Pinterest profile and target audience to come up with fresh ideas.
Need help with your Pinterest marketing strategy? hen Contact WSI OMS today.