4 Ways to Improve Your Visibility on LinkedIn – Cheryl Potgieter

4 Ways to Improve Your Visibility on LinkedIn – Cheryl Potgieter

WSI regularly helps business people, entrepreneurs, and professionals (see an example of Cheryl Potgieter) improve their visibility on LinkedIn. As the leading social media platform for business people, having a compelling profile is only the first step. Here are four ways to boost your visibility on LinkedIn:

  1. Completing Your Professional Profile

If you want to make sure your potential clients and business contacts can find you on LinkedIn, you need a complete, professional profile. If you have blank sections in your profile, set some time aside to fill out everything from your summary to the professional associations you belong to. Make sure you have a high quality, professional photo on your profile.

  1. Ask for Recommendations

It is one thing to say that you are an expert in IT, accounting or software development and a completely different thing if other people are recommending you for these services. Ask people whom you have done business with and worked with before to recommend the skills you are listing on your profile. This not only adds credibility to your LinkedIn profile, it will also increase the level of comfort someone will feel about contacting you for those services.

  1. Endorse the Skills of Colleagues & Friends

When you endorse your colleagues and friends for their skills, you are supporting their LinkedIn profiles and marketing endeavors – it is essentially seen as a good deed. Cheryl Potgieter has come to see that people who are on the receiving end of your good deeds are likely to click on your profile and endorse your skills, which will, in turn, boost your LinkedIn profile’s visibility.

  1. Link Your Other Social Channels

Add a link to your Twitter profile on your LinkedIn page. Be sure to share relevant, interesting and thought-provoking content related to your industry on both of these platforms. By connecting with people on multiple platforms, you will stay top of mind in a client or connection’s mind.

If you need help to improve your visibility on LinkedIn like Cheryl Potgieter, then contact us today.

Managing Facebook Ad Accounts for Multiple Clients

Managing Facebook Ad Accounts for Multiple Clients

Running Facebook ads and promoting posts for a single business is pretty straightforward, but when you start to manage multiple ad accounts on Facebook, things can quickly become tricky.


The best way to manage multiple business pages and advertising accounts on Facebook is to use Facebook Business Manager. This lets business managers more successfully share and control access to their ad accounts, pages and other assets on Facebook.


Anyone in a business can see all the pages and ad accounts that they work on in one place with Facebook Business Manager without sharing login information or being connected to their co-workers on Facebook. Business Manager is also a great resource for digital marketing agencies that run Facebook ads for multiple clients and it’s also a great resource for companies who have multiple employees working within the same ad account or on the same Facebook page.


Another reason to use Facebook Business Manager is that it is a great way to keep your account information safe. To learn more Facebook Business Manager and to set up your account, visit https://business.facebook.com.


Need help with your Facebook marketing? WSI OMS can help you. Contact us for more information today.

Mistakes to Avoid When Growing Your Brand on Instagram

Mistakes to Avoid When Growing Your Brand on Instagram

Getting the hang of any social media marketing platform usually involves a bit of trial-and-error. If you are trying to grow your brand on Instagram, here are some of the top pitfalls to avoid:


Not Understanding the Algorithm

Instagram’s algorithm used to be chronological, but to many a brands’ dismay, this has been changed. Nowadays when you post a picture, it’s initially only posted to about 10% of your followers; if it gets a good number of likes and comments within the first hour or so, then it will be shown to the rest of your followers.


What this means for your brand is that you should be posting pictures that people will double tap on and you should be writing captions that encourage comments. You could, for example, ask your followers a question. Just be sure that you’re engaging with your audience on Instagram and replying to people who took the time to answer your question.


Not Being Consistent with Your Content

The sad truth is that most of your brand’s followers don’t care about you personally; they only follow you for the content and services you provide. If you start changing the type or style of content that you are posting, they may be inclined to unfollow you. Your followers are there for the type of content you posted when they started following you.


Need help with your social media marketing? WSI OMS can help you. Contact us for more information today.

How Entrepreneurs Can Become More Memorable on Social Media without Spending Money

How Entrepreneurs Can Become More Memorable on Social Media without Spending Money

If you’re an up-and-coming entrepreneur, you need to leverage platforms like social media. Not only does this give you access to the people you want to do business with, but it can save you a lot of money (especially if you don’t want to blow your marketing budget on paid advertising).

Social media marketing is free, but there are so much noise and so many people out there that you’re not going to stand out if you don’t have a solid strategy in place. Keep this in mind:


Create Amazing Content

Some people will tell you that you need to invest in video content while others will advocate for long written content or even podcasting. Pick the content type that you’re the best at:

  • If you’re really good at podcasting, then you would be more naturally inclined to create this type content and it will do better than forcing yourself to produce long bodies of text if you don’t particularly enjoy writing.
  • If, however, your goal is to become recognised at events and in your niche or community, then videos will help you more than anything else.
  • If your main goal is generating more website traffic, then high-quality written content is the way to go. Consider what your specific goals are before you start producing content.


Need help with your content marketing or social media marketing? WSI OMS can help you. Contact us for more information today.

How to Tell a Story on Social Media – Dr. Cheryl Potgieter

How to Tell a Story on Social Media – Dr. Cheryl Potgieter

People love stories and they love social media, there are cases such as Dr. Cheryl Potgieter where we can help you use the power of storytelling to captivate your target audience on social media. Read this advice from her on how to tell a story on social media:

  • Tell an Authentic Story

Many companies try to be inauthentic online but the ones who are winning over the masses are the brands who have authentic online personas. If you are a young, quirky start-up company in the tech industry, your online voice will be very different to that of an established financial institution, for example.

People who follow you online want to know what your values and mission are. They want to know how your brand started and where it is going. If people scroll through the content you post on social media, they should be able to immediately understand who you are.

  • Don’t be Generic When Telling Your Brand Story – Be Personal

Make sure that your posts are not only written in your authentic voice but that your brand’s colours and logo are visible in the digital content you post. To make your social media stories more personal like Dr. Cheryl Potgieter, we advise clients to include photos of themselves or the people they work with.

  • Let Your Brand Speak to Your Buyer’s Persona

If you want to evoke the emotions of your readers, then you need to make sure that what you are saying resonates with them. Consider who your ideal target audience is:

  • Where do they spend their time online?
  • What age are they?
  • What challenges do they face, and
  • What are their short, medium and long-term goals?

The stories you tell on social media need to speak to your buyer’s persona. You need to interest them and captivate them if you want to stay on their newsfeeds.

We helped Dr. Cheryl Potgieter tell better stories on social media. Contact us for more information today.

How to Get More Relevant Followers on Instagram

How to Get More Relevant Followers on Instagram

Want to be Insta-famous? Of course, you do! Being famous on Instagram can help you make more money. Here are a few tips to help you get more followers on one of the most popular social media platforms:

Go after Relevant Followers

One of the most common pieces of advice is to find very popular Instagrammers in your niche and start commenting on their pictures and liking their pictures. The idea behind this is that their followers will start noticing you and be inclined to check out your page. But, this is only half of the piece of the puzzle.


Instagram has an algorithm that looks at how many likes and comments you get when the picture first gets published. If your followers are mostly within your industry and they like and comment on your pictures, it will be more beneficial than a lot of likes from people who aren’t in your industry at all. This way, your picture has a better chance of going viral and getting featured on the discovery page, which will lead to more followers.


Post Visual and Emotional Content Consistently

If people aren’t bonding with your content and it’s not visual and emotional, they’re not going to keep following you and commenting on your content. If your content is visually appealing and you’re doing it consistently, people will keep following you.


Need help with your social media marketing strategy? WSI OMS can help you. Contact us for more information today.