2014: Social media trends that will dominate business this year

2014: Social media trends that will dominate business this year

As the year draws to a close and millions of companies and employees wind down operations for the festive period, let’s have a look at 2014 social media trends and what to look forward to in the New Year. Many brands have come to understand the impact that social media can have on their companies. However there are still many who are dealing with the challenges that accompanies this reality.

Some of the challenges that these businesses face include:

  • Demonstrating an ROI of their social media initiatives,
  • Allocating sufficient human capital and financial resources,
  • Reorganizing their corporate structures to deal with user-generated content and customer social media participation, to name a few.

Here are a few of the top social media trends that will impact the way you market your company online in 2014:

  • Facebook is down, Twitter is up: For many years Facebook has dominated the social media scene, with many viewing Twitter as a distant runner up. However, times are changing. But don’t count Facebook’s 1.18 billion users out just yet. Yet Twitter, on the brink of becoming a public company will attract many latent users into becoming active users again.
  • Snapchat Marketing: For those not familiar with Snapchat yet, this trendy and smart mobile app sends messages such as short video, photos and text, called snaps, that auto-destructs in a short amount of time. This can be anywhere between one t ten seconds, depending on the app’s settings. As of May 2013, more than 5 million Snapchat users were uploading more than 160 million photos per day.
  • Google+: A recent study performed indicated that Google+ now has more than 540 million active users, which puts them worldwide just behind Facebook. This social media platform is still evolving and will be the platform to watch in 2014.

If you want to harness the power of social media in your company, contact WSI OMS to learn how social media can take your company into the future.

Social media Do’s and Don’ts for companies

Social media Do’s and Don’ts for companies

There is no denying that social media is a powerful tool that every company should have in its marketing toolbox. If this tool gets used incorrectly, however, you can cause great harm to your company image. So, be careful about what you post.

Here are a few Do’s and Don’ts from social media marketing experts WSI OMS that will ensure you use this tool correctly and to maximum effect:

  1. Don’t just post text. What people want is a healthy mix of content media. This also doesn’t mean that it’s enough to upload a few photos and videos, although, it is a good start. You’ll need to upload links to your website and other industry-related material.
  2. Use symbols like # and +. Hash-tags give your posts greater search visibility, while the + feature is a great attention grabber for individuals and brands.
  3. Don’t just post your own content – also share the individual content of your employees. This will make your social networking platforms come across as more social, highlight the individual personalities of your staff and so make the whole experience of visiting you on these platforms more personal.
  4. Follow the 4-1-1 Rule. This rule basically states that for every self-serving post, you should share 4 pieces of relevant content written by others and also not shy away from re-posting something when it becomes relevant again.
  5. Share helpful tips that are relevant to your followers. Don’t restrict these tips to your products and/or services. Also relay industry related advice. This will show people that you’re not just out to make sales but are also keen to lend a helping hand and so inspire people to visit your social media platforms more often. People tend to become loyal towards brands that they feel care about them and that want them to succeed in their own endeavours.

Contact us for more social media Do’s and Don’ts or for more advice on a social media strategy that really works.

With the right strategy, social media can level the playing field

With the right strategy, social media can level the playing field

It is precisely because you are a small business that you cannot afford not to make use of social media marketing.  All in all it is the cheapest, most far reaching and effective weapon you can have in your arsenal, and it also offers you a chance to really compete with the big businesses in your industry. It is important to remember, however, that without a well thought out and clearly defined marketing strategy, you will already have lost before you started.

Whether your company already has a social media presence, or you have just decided to create one, it is always a good idea to get internet marketing professionals like WSI OMS involved to help you create and implement a strategy and make sure that you stay on the right track. This isn’t as expensive as you might think, and in all honesty, there are just too many aspects involved to effectively do this on your own. It also needs to be said that the wrong strategy has been the death of many a company. So, rather spend a little money now if you want a strategy that reaps rewards.

What makes social media so great for small companies is that it levels the playing field. It allows you to compete with the big businesses in your industry and in spheres where you can come across as equals. Even the advertising opportunities offered by social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are so cheap that everyone can afford them, but all this takes a backseat when compared to abilities like being able to engage people in discussions around your products and/or services without promoting yourself too aggressively. On these platforms and with the right strategy, you can easily outwit and outplay bigger companies.

To get the right strategy and at a price you can afford contact us, and let us help you implement the most effective social media strategy for your businesses.

Back to social media.

Social media tips to avoid fatal marketing mistakes

Social media tips to avoid fatal marketing mistakes

Using social media platforms to promote businesses and connecting with clients is common practice nowadays. Considering that it costs nothing to set up profiles on these platforms and the far reach of these networks, any company that does not make use of these mediums to promote themselves should have their head examined or, at the very least, their marketing strategy.

Platforms like Twitter and Facebook also offer advertising opportunities that you’d be well advised to make use of, seeing as these are very cheap and have proven to be very effective.

However, you probably know all this and already have a presence on all of these platforms, and you’ve probably also already invested in the advertising opportunities they offer. This blog wasn’t written to urge you to get with the times. This blog was written to make you aware of some of the most common mistakes companies make on social media platforms – mistakes you can avoid by hiring internet marketing professionals like WSI OMS.

Still, before you get the professionals involved, start implementing change now by following these tips

  1. Be subtle. Don’t blatantly advertise your products and/or services. What people are looking for on these platforms is interesting and thought provoking content. Try to involve people in discussions and only then start talking about who you are and what you do. An easy way to do this is to post questions that relate to the type of products you sell and/or services you provide.
  2. Reply to all views expressed about your business and your industry. If people are talking about the industry you’re in, take part in the discussion. Here again it is important to remember to be subtle. Don’t enter conversations by blatantly advertising yourself.
  3. Post regularly and reply quickly. Post something new as soon as the discussion around your last post starts dying down. Reply to queries within 30 minutes.

Contact us to ensure that you get your social media marketing strategy exactly right.

Back to social media.

Best practises for companies engaging on social media

Best practises for companies engaging on social media

A social media presence should be a well-integrated part of your company’s online marketing campaign. Not only does it raise awareness about who you are and what you do, it also makes you come across as more approachable: as a company that wants to engage in conversation with clients and potential clients and on the platforms they prefer.

The problem is that, although these social media platforms are more informal than other forms of communication and should be treated as such, most companies often tend to forget that you still need to come across as a professional institution if you want to convince people to buy your products and/or make use of your services. So, what is considered ‘best practices’ when you are a company with a social media presence?

It should be said that there are many pitfalls in this aspect of online marketing and that these pitfalls may vary depending on the type of company you own. That is why it is always best to get professionals in this field like WSI OMS involved, preferably from the very beginning. However, here are a few things you’d do well to remember:

  1. Post regularly: At least between 1 to 3 times a day. Only post again after people have stopped commenting on your last post.    
  1. Don’t post content that has nothing to do with you or the product you are selling and/or service you provide: Also, don’t engage in conversations that don’t have any relation to you or what you do.
  2. When it comes to posting content remember that it’s okay to be provocative, but not offensive. If the content you want to post is on the risqué side and you’re unsure of how it will come across, rather not post it.    
  3. When people post questions, reply to them as soon as possible. An acceptable response time is between 20-30 minutes.

Contact us today for more social media tips.

Using social media for your job search

Using social media for your job search

Chances are that most internet users already have a few social media accounts. These accounts provide millions of people with stress relief as well as a social outlet. Unlike dinners out, movies and holidays, these social media accounts won’t cost you anything.

Your social media accounts is a place where you can choose to selectively display the proudest moments of your life and hide all the rest. It can be an interactive résumé. When you are in need of a job, you realise that there are thousands of other people who are in the exact same boat as you and most of them are equally as hardworking and suave as you are.

This is why you will need to frame your words so that you can use your social media accounts to your advantage and set yourself apart from the masses of other people on the job hunt. One way you can go about doing this is to make fun of yourself and make light of your circumstances. You can craft an ironic understanding of your accomplishments along with what an in-depth knowledge of your field can do for any prospective employer.

Self-promotion shouldn’t be shied away from either, but do it with class. No one likes an egomaniac or a narcissist, but if you’re confident in your skills and experience, then you can say so. You can also tap specific people who can help you. LinkedIn is a great platform for professionals to connect and you can make connections with recruiters and companies where you would like to work.

These are only a few of the ways in which social media can help you along with your job search. If you would like to learn more about the power of social media in the business world today, contact WSI to learn more about harnessing its power.