Attracting New Customers to your Business via Social Media

Attracting New Customers to your Business via Social Media

Whether you’re selling your products and services to other businesses or to private citizens, there’s a good chance that they will be active on several social media platforms. Understanding the social media landscape is the key to understanding where you should focus your efforts.

Identify which social media channels your target market is most active on

This is probably the most important step that you can take in ensuring that you reach your target market. If you’re targeting high level employees at some of the largest corporations in the country or the world, you’d be well served having a LinkedIn page to supplement your Facebook, Google+ and Twitter accounts. On the other hand a business that specialises in artisan goods may want to look at a Pinterest account – it’s up to you to figure out where members of your target market are congregating on social media.

Make sure that you engage with your target market

As your social media accounts grow, you will find that more and more consumers will attempt to reach out to you on these platforms. It is of the utmost importance that you engage with these consumers and answer any queries or questions that they may have. Establish yourself as an authority in the industry and show that you care about client needs.

Contact the team here at WSI OMS today to learn about how we can assist you in your social media marketing campaigns.

How to write a compelling LinkedIn summary

How to write a compelling LinkedIn summary

If you want to differentiate yourself on LinkedIn, then you need to write a compelling summary. With over 202 million registered users and two new users joining every second, it’s worth your while to make sure that you stand out to potential clients, recruiters or business owners on LinkedIn.

Here are some tips to get the summary right:

Write in the first person

When you write in the first person, your LinkedIn profile becomes more personal and it makes a reader feel like they’re getting to learn more about who you are. If you write in the second person, it feels stiffer and like a company biography instead of a down-to-earth way to introduce yourself.

Follow a format

There’s a simple format or recipe that works well for all LinkedIn summaries. Firstly, introduce yourself and talk about who you are. Don’t talk from a company perspective but rather from a personal perspective. Secondly, talk about who you help in your professional career. Be subtle, but describe your target audience in a non-bashful way. Thirdly, finish off by explaining what you bring to the table and what you have to offer. Talk about how you help clients and companies achieve their goals and be sure to include contact details so that people can reach you. You can include your phone number, e-mail address and Twitter handle for good measure.

Include keywords

Instead of simply relying on your job title to appear in search results, integrate keywords your target audience would type into the search bar to find you. Don’t make this obvious or overdo it, just a few subtle keyword phrases is good enough.

Need help with your social media marketing strategy? Contact WSI OMS for help today.

Don’t use the default verbiage when sending a LinkedIn connection invitation

Don’t use the default verbiage when sending a LinkedIn connection invitation

After you’ve completed your LinkedIn profile, filled out your career history, optimised your profile for relevant search terms and joined a few groups, it’s time to start making connections on this platform. More connections mean the content you share on LinkedIn will be seen by more people, contributing to brand awareness and social influence.

Rather than sending out the generic “I’d like to connect with you on LinkedIn”, personalise the message and make it compelling. One way to avoid accidentally sending out the generic mail is to always open up a person’s profile and click on the ‘connect’ button on their profile page (which will give you the opportunity to type your own message). If you’re searching for a person in between other search results, the connect button is displayed beside the profile pictures of everyone with the same name and clicking on the connect button in the search results automatically sends out the default message.

You only have 300 characters in this message so you have to keep it brief. Start by introducing yourself and telling the person why you want to connect with them. Tell them how they will benefit from connecting with you on LinkedIn (for example, you could say that you will be posting content which can help them with their business or opportunities that might be advantageous to their careers).

Need help with your social media marketing strategy? Contact WSI OMS for help today.

Things to Avoid When it comes to Social Media Marketing

Things to Avoid When it comes to Social Media Marketing

One of the biggest mistakes made when it comes to social media marketing is believing that it’ll be a walk in the park. The execution of a social media marketing campaign is something that needs to be painstakingly planned in order to deliver the best possible results. Below we’ll take a look at some of the things you should be avoiding when it comes social media marketing.

Too many posts

The quickest way to lose followers or customers on any social media platform is to clog your followers’ feeds with posts. Your content should be providing value to your clients; you shouldn’t simply be posting for the sake of meeting certain targets that you’ve set.

Snarky responses to clients

It is of the utmost importance that you approach complaints and queries from clients on your social media channels cautiously. All interactions on Facebook or Twitter for example are very much in the public domain, so anything that comes across as snarky or peevish may definitely have repercussions for your public image. Always approach responses professionally.

Get your spelling right

There’s nothing worse than seeing typos and spelling errors strewn across social media posts. Simple errors like this can devastate your credibility. Always run your text through a spell checker and proofread it several times before posting.

There are no doubt vast benefits to having content prepared by expert copywriters and accounts managed by specialists. Contact the team here at WSI OMS today to learn more about us, our social media marketing service and how it can help your business grow.

Social selling advice: what if your social engagement isn’t leading to sales?

Social selling advice: what if your social engagement isn’t leading to sales?

Getting your target audience interested in what you have to offer and engaging with them online is a huge accomplishment. But what if the type of engagement you are after isn’t leading to conversions and sales?

There are different types of online engagement. You could be tracking how your target audience is engaging with you on social media, your landing pages, your website or your mobile apps. This is all proof that you’re building a relationship with your followers and fans, but too much engagement might actually be a bad thing. If your target audience is presented with too many share options, for example, they may be less likely to act on them.

While it’s good to offer multiple sharing options (because people engage on different platforms), research showed that when a blog has three social sharing buttons – such as Twitter, GooglePlus and Facebook – there are more shares than when two extra buttons – such as LinkedIn and Pinterest – were added. The shares actually decreased by 29% when the two social sharing buttons were added.

Our advice here would be to keep it simple. Sometimes, less really is more and limiting options might make it easier for your users to share your content or complete a sale. Besides keeping it simple, you also need to test different strategies to find out what works. Consider which social media platforms would be most relevant for your target market in order to get your social engagement leading to more sales.

Need help with your social selling strategy? Then contact WSI OMS today.

Conquering Today’s Top Visual Marketing Social Networks

Conquering Today’s Top Visual Marketing Social Networks

In this day and age, there are a plethora of different visual marketing social networks which your business can start utilising. Knowing how to gain a following on them however is a different story. By reading these tips, you will become aware of how to make thorough marketing use of Instagram for your business purposes.

Instagram your way to the top

Instagram is undoubtedly one of the most widely used visual imagery apps available. A local magazine even wrote an article last year entitled “The InstaGrammys” which gave praise to certain Instagram accounts to look out for. Hundreds of people flock to it to post pictures of the last meal they ate, their girls’ night out or other various trivial pursuits. However, here is how you can turn this somewhat social app into a marketing gold mine:

  • Make certain your account is complete. Include things such as your logo and link to your website, blog or landing page.
  • Connect through hashtags, but know which ones to use. The more you hashtag the more people you will reach generally speaking, but know which hashtags will suit your business. For example don’t post a picture of your product which is a pool cleaner and hashtag ice cream. Keep a look out for which hashtags are trending and start getting #followbacks
  • When posting images, post things which would appeal to your audience. For example the more hashtags the more likes you will get, people tend to like photos more if there are faces in them and for some reason, desaturated photos get more likes.

As you can see, the virtual world is full of possibility. By utilising Instagram properly, you are being given the opportunity to connect with roughly six million people instantaneously. For a bit more guidance on how to get your social media up on top form, contact the pros. WSI OMS will help you every step of the way to increasing your visual marketing social networks abilities.