Pin It! Using social media marketing to the full

Pin It! Using social media marketing to the full

It is undeniable; the need to become familiar with social media marketing should really be on the top of all digital marketers’ to-do list. One of the most influential and powerful social media platforms in this day and age is none other than Pintrist. While this may surprise you, there is something massive which sets this social media platform apart from your others: staying power. While Facebook and Twitter post warrant instant gratification via likes and shares, something which has been pinned has a much longer life span and durability. Here are a few ways to make sure that Pintrest will work for you.

Digital marketers, be sure to share your pins on other networks

By doing this, you are spreading your Pintrist reach across a number of different social media platforms. This will spread the word of your Pintrist board and make you more noticeable and discoverable to your potential followers.

Put a Pin It button on your blog

Be sure to start incorporating the iconic Pin It button into all of your blog posts, giving people the ability to share your thoughts. This will give them the ability to share your blog post right then and there growing your blog through the one and only Pintrest. In the same right, ensure that your blog post photos are ‘pinnable’ and will attract the right attention you wish them to.

If you don’t have the slightest clue on where to go, fear not. There are those in South Africa who can help and WSI OMS just happens to be one of them. We are a digital expertise company who can take you from zero to online rock star in a matter of time. With a wide variety of different services at your discretion, you will be spoilt for choice when discovering how we can help you. Call us today and see how your online journey can begin now.

Keeping on top of the Twitter game

Keeping on top of the Twitter game

Twitter can be an absolute mess to navigate through at the best of times. Fighting your way through teenage girls hearting almost everything they see, the hashtag wars which happen between celebrities with their noses out of joint and a plethora of information which people share about their personal lives, one can start to lose hope on how to use any of the information being posted on Twitter. The good news is there are now social media tools, free and paid for, out there to help you stay on top of the Twitter game. Let us take a look at them now.

Find users and trending topics 

  • Swayy allows people to monitor what their users’ data, content and behaviour is like and figures out personalised recommendations on what to post next.
  • Trends 24 is a simple tool which gives you an hourly break down of what was trending over the past twenty four hours.
  • Tag The Bird is something which will show you what was trending a day, week, month year or longer ago in the Twitterverse.

Tracking hashtags and mentions 

  • Twazzup is a search engine for Twitter which tracks popular posts, photos and links which are relevant to you.
  • Tweetbinder will sort all of your hashtagged tweets for you while also giving you a break down on which ones were most popular.
  • Mentionmap allows you to find out who interacts with you the most.

Use the tools correctly 

For assistance on how to navigate your way through the online world of Twitter, contact the pros today. WSI OMS offers training courses on social media designed to help you make those 140 characters count for the win. Get in touch with us today and discover how we can help you.

How to use Twitter video to your advantage

How to use Twitter video to your advantage

Recently, the Twitter team has upped their game once again by introducing the Twitter video option. This app is one of the most prominent ways to promote and connect with your customers online. The video offering is just one more way in which you will now be able to connect with your target audience via social media. Here are a few ways in which you can use Twitter video to your advantage.

How to use Twitter video 

Using Twitter video is a fairly straight forward procedure. You will be able to record a new video straight from your smartphone, or for the iPhone users, you can upload already existing footage. As you would when posting a Tweet with a photo, touch the picture icon when posting and select camera. Once you have done this, change camera to video and you now have thirty seconds to record your desired video.

Try responding through video 

If you are aiming to connect with your followers on a more personal level, why not start a conversation in which you respond to the Tweets via video? Be sure to make a memorable hashtag so people can find the conversation easily and get involved. This will give your followers the ability to see what you are actually like and will give them the feeling that you care.

Share what is happening right now 

Be sure to share events in real time with your followers. This will keep them updated with regards to an event you may be at, fashion show you are attending or the like. This will give them the sense of involvement and keep them updated if they were unable to attend themselves.

As you can see, Twitter is a wide and useful platform for you to better your business through. If you need some guidance however, Wsioms can step in to help you through our training courses. Be sure to get in touch with us today and become a part of the Twitterverse now.

Three things you need to stop doing on Twitter

Three things you need to stop doing on Twitter

You can’t kick-start any social media marketing strategy with guidelines, rules and regulations for the people who will be posting on behalf of your company. Whether you’re new to the social media marketing ball game or you’ve been tweeting up a storm for a while, make sure you aren’t engaging in these common no-no’s on Twitter:

Upsetting people

Sure, a controversial tweet will get more engagement than something dull, but do you really want your brand to be associated with a topic that upsets a lot of people in your industry? Establish what topics are off-limits for your Twitter profile. While everyone wants to be able to give their two cents on newsworthy topics, it’s best to stay away from something that can cause a huge uproar and embarrassment for your company.

Have a personality, but don’t have zero focus

Some brands, such as the @rbjacobs personality from the FNB Twitter account, know how to craft a well-rounded online persona. It’s great to add personality to your Twitter account (after all, you don’t want to be seen as a boring PR profile), but this doesn’t mean you can just post anything without have a clear goal. Don’t let employees update pictures of their lunch or the online games they are playing – for example. This shows that your Twitter personality lacks focus and that you’re just tweeting anything that comes to mind.

Getting involved in negative conversations

One of the reasons why you’re on Twitter is so that your customers and potential customers can engage with you online. It’s easy for a customer to complain on social media – and it’s important that you answer the complaint. Try to take the issue to e-mail or a telephone call as soon as possible (this avoids unnecessarily long, negative conversations around your brand on Twitter).

Need help with your Twitter strategy? Contact WSI OMS today.


Are you monitoring your brand on Twitter? Read these digital marketing tips

Are you monitoring your brand on Twitter? Read these digital marketing tips

Social media marketing is all about engaging with your online community. If you’re posting content on social media, you better have a monitoring system or tool in place that allows you to monitor what people are saying with you and how they are engaging with your content.

According to, 66.7% of all brand mentions on social media happens on Twitter, making it vital for you to keep track of what’s being said.  Here are a few ways to monitor your brand on Twitter:

Check Twitter Daily

If you don’t have time to do this, hire someone to do it or outsource the job to a professional digital marketing agency. Twitter is a fast-paced social media platform and a client or potential client shouldn’t wait days for a reply from you.

Use Backtweets

Backtweets lets you look for links to your website content or other content on Twitter. This is much more effective than looking at mentions and retweets in Twitter itself, because it shows you who is linking to your content and sharing it online. You can get a free account (which allows you to do a link search) but the paid version will send you e-mail notifications every time someone tweets one of your links.


Monitter is another Twitter search tool that can help you stay on top of what’s happening across your entire industry. This tool lets you keep track of specific keywords and see real-time results.


Twitlert will send you e-mail notifications (you can choose to receive notifications as they happen, daily or weekly) with updates of tweets that contain your brand name, product or the keywords you are monitoring.

Need help monitoring your social media profiles? Then contact WSI OMS today.

Keeping on top of the Twitter game

Social media marketing tips: How to use Twitter hashtags effectively

Twitter is a great place to network, chat and spread your content. If you’ve got a social media marketing plan that includes Twitter, then it’s worth your while to use hashtags to your advantage.

Hashtags are usually a word or phrase preceded by a pound sign. When you click on the phrase, all the other tweets with the same hashtag will appear. This allows Twitter users to follow a conversation about a certain topic of interest. Here are a few things to keep in mind and to help you to use hashtags more effectively:

  1. Hashtags can’t include spaces

Even if you are using multiple words, such as “social media marketing,” you need to put them next to each other like this: #socialmediamarketing.

  1. Create something unique

A hashtag about #socialmediamarketing will bring up a bunch of tweets from different Twitter users around the globe. If you want to create a more niche stream of content (or more relevant results so you can track your hashtag), create something more unique like #WSIsocialmarketingtips or #WSIsimplysocial.

  1. Keep it short

The abovementioned examples are actually quite long. Remember you only have 140 characters in a tweet, you will have more space for content and URL links if you choose a shorter hashtag.

  1. Track your reach

While it’s easy to see who’s contributing to your hashtag by simply searching for the hashtag, there are better ways to find out what the hashtag’s actual social reach is. Use to see who is retweeting your links, who the top contributors are and how many impressions your hashtag has made on Twitter.

Need help with your digital marketing strategy? Then contact WSI OMS today.