In this day and age, there are a plethora of different visual marketing social networks which your business can start utilising. Knowing how to gain a following on them however is a different story. By reading these tips, you will become aware of how to make thorough marketing use of Instagram for your business purposes.

Instagram your way to the top

Instagram is undoubtedly one of the most widely used visual imagery apps available. A local magazine even wrote an article last year entitled “The InstaGrammys” which gave praise to certain Instagram accounts to look out for. Hundreds of people flock to it to post pictures of the last meal they ate, their girls’ night out or other various trivial pursuits. However, here is how you can turn this somewhat social app into a marketing gold mine:

  • Make certain your account is complete. Include things such as your logo and link to your website, blog or landing page.
  • Connect through hashtags, but know which ones to use. The more you hashtag the more people you will reach generally speaking, but know which hashtags will suit your business. For example don’t post a picture of your product which is a pool cleaner and hashtag ice cream. Keep a look out for which hashtags are trending and start getting #followbacks
  • When posting images, post things which would appeal to your audience. For example the more hashtags the more likes you will get, people tend to like photos more if there are faces in them and for some reason, desaturated photos get more likes.

As you can see, the virtual world is full of possibility. By utilising Instagram properly, you are being given the opportunity to connect with roughly six million people instantaneously. For a bit more guidance on how to get your social media up on top form, contact the pros. WSI OMS will help you every step of the way to increasing your visual marketing social networks abilities.