Social media marketing is rapidly becoming the most effective way to promote your business online, and to keep new and existing customers chatting about your business. Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ were developed to encourage user to user interaction, hence knowing how to capitalise on your brand’s social media presence is crucial. If implemented correctly, marketing with social media can bring remarkable success to your business.
Achieving direct and immediate connection to consumers is a huge opportunity, but it also introduces more risk. The social conversation is public, so brands are handling potentially touchy customer conversations out in the open. How do you ensure you’re getting it right? Don’t expect overnight results. Even though social media activity is immediate, business development is not. This is something to keep in mind!
For more information about social media marketing, visit our website or contact WSI OMS today.
Do’s and Don’ts of using Social Media for Business:
[Insert infographic]
Source: Business 2 Community