It should be said that copywriting professionals should be contracted to write not only your landing page, but every page of your website. The reasons for this are simple, every page needs to be well written if you want to make the right impression and there should also be a sense of continuity among the pages so that they fit neatly together and every page doesn’t feel like a new website. That is what a copywriting professional will do for you.

If you’re looking for professional copywriters that will get the job done, consider WSI OMS.

But back to landing pages: What is important to remember is that there is a slight difference between your landing page and all the other pages of your website. Your landing page should be the page that people land on following online ads or certain keywords in your blogs and on you webpage and should be the gateway the user passes through to purchase something. In other words, it should give people that final push to buy and allow them to do what needs to be done to finalise the sale. This is what good landing pages do.

Most of the general and proven copywriting tactics still apply, but where the difference comes in is that, on this page, you’re not helping readers to find what they want, but are delivering it. It is focused entirely on the offer you are making, so information must be precise and to the point.  This is where you need copy with action words like ‘learn how to’, ‘download today’ or ‘buy now’ etc.

Lastly, you need copy that highlights the value of your products and/or services multiple times and in a multitude of different ways. Also address the visitor in the second person narrative, namely ‘you’.

To ensure you get it right contact us today, because we know all the inns and outs of copywriting for web pages, even landing pages.