Email marketing has consistently outperformed every new marketing channel that’s come out. And every marketer knows how reliable email is as a marketing tool – if you can avoid landing in the dreaded spam folder. Below we share tips on how to avoid the spam folder, boost engagement and reduce your bounce rates.

Use Double Opt-Ins to Ensure the People Subscribing to Your Mailing List Wants to Be There

The worst thing you can do is send emails to people who don’t want to hear from you. The best way to avoid this is to get a double opt-in. This is how to go about it:

  • Firstly, only send emails to people who have signed up for it on the form on your website. 
  • Then, once you have sent your first email, send a follow-up or include a link in your email asking recipients to confirm that they do indeed want to hear from you. 

This will not only keep you off the blacklists, but will also ensure that you’re reaching a receptive audience.

Update Spam Filters Regularly While Avoiding Spammy Language in Your Messaging

Spam filters are there to root out emails that look like spam. This means you need to make sure that your mails are free of all the red flags that will trigger the filters. You can’t simply trust that this is an intuitive process; nor is it a set of one-time-only checks. Spam tactics change all the time, so spam filters need to be constantly updated accordingly. You can use tools such as to test your emails and ensure that they are cleared for the Inbox.

Shun the Practice of Buying Mailing Lists

We would hope that no-one does this any more! But, there are still those who do. It’s a waste of time to buy email lists or acquire them in any other way. You may think you’re gaining access to a massive market. However, this is not how it works out in reality. Sending to any recipients that didn’t ask you to is a sure way to land in the spam folder, get bounced and blacklisted.

Emails Thin on Text Content Normally Get Filtered As Spam. Avoid Them!

Spam filters hate emails that are image-heavy, especially if there is a corresponding lack of text. Focus on your copy and keep the images to a minimum, choosing one or two strong ones that support the text.

For the brands that use it responsibly, email is a marketing channel that keeps on giving. Contact WSI OMS today to learn how we can help you design high-converting email marketing campaigns.