Google Analytics is a web analytics solution that can provide you with insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness. Google Analytics is flexible and has easy-to-use features that let you see and analyze your traffic data. Google Analytics can help you track visitors from all pay per click traffic sources, organic search engines, website referrers, keywords, content, visitor funnel visualization, tracking of business goals among other things. Here are some features of Google Analytics and how they can help you improve your marketing effectiveness.

  • Map Overlay – This feature will tell you exactly where your visitors are accessing your website from.  This feature will highlight the exact countries or cities where your visitors are coming from.  By knowing where your consumers are coming from you will be able to geo-target your marketing efforts.
  • Keywords – This will present the actual keywords that your website visitors typed on to the search engines to get to your website. Knowing such keywords can help you prepare the right content for your website.
  • Bounce rate – This is the number of people who visit a website and leave within a few seconds without doing anything on the site. A bounce rate above 50% is not good. Content on pages with high bounce rates should be changed.
  • Goals – Google Analytics Goals measure conversions on a website. A conversion occurs when a visitor does something you want them to do. This could be subscribing to a newsletter, purchasing online or watching a video. Knowing such information will help you calculate your return on investments.
  • Funnel Visualization – This report outlines the click paths that your website visitors took. This report helps you to see which pages result in lost opportunities and where your would-be customers go.
  • Dashboards – Google Analytics will let you create custom dashboards with all the information you need. These dashboards can be set up to be e-mailed to you or your other team members.