Small and large businesses alike want to harness the true potential of their online marketing opportunities. All too often, mobile marketing is forgotten about. Advertising online can produce phenomenal results but even better results can be obtained if they’re optimized for mobile use. If you think about it, the clear majority of the population uses a smartphone to browse the internet – it is obvious you need to cater to this very type of customer.


Below are a few top tips to ensure that you don’t lose out on leads and conversions just because your online campaign hasn’t been optimized for mobile users:


  • Ensure that you have a responsive website design. This isn’t as complicated as it sounds! You just need to ensure that someone on a smartphone can view your website correctly and complete a sale quickly and easily without running into glitches.
  • If emails form part of your mobile marketing campaign, make sure that they’re quick and easy to read. Remember that your mobile consumer is using their data to download emails and content: images and videos are great but try to ensure that they won’t be too heavy or cost a fortune to view or download. Cater to the customer without it costing them too much.
  • Include a mobile friendly checkout process. Nothing can be more frustrating than adding items to your online cart and finding it difficult to pay. Ensure that there is a mobile version of your payment system and make it obvious and available to all smartphone users.
  • Offer your mobile users incentives for completing purchases on their mobile phones. Whether it’s a loyalty / rewards program or discounts for new mobile users / registrants, it works. Customers that feel rewarded will shop more and share more socially with others.


Of course, a mobile marketing campaign is not something that can be done once off. It’s something that requires time, attention and ongoing input. If you don’t have the know-how or the time, you can cost-effectively entrust the service to a professional online marketing firm.

Professional and effective mobile marketing services offered by WSI OMS

At WSI OMS we are dedicated to ensuring that every mobile marketing campaign we work on is well thought out to target the specific audience catered to. We have been involved in many successful mobile-friendly campaigns and look forward to assisting you further. For more information and advice, simply contact us via email or telephone at WSI OMS today.