For many people, email is their preferred channel to interact with businesses. Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to engage with existing and potential clients.

One thing many people struggle with, however, is integrating their email marketing campaigns with their other marketing campaigns. While email marketing can be very effective, it doesn’t work well as a stand-alone medium. A few ways to do this are as follows:

  • Integrate your social media marketing with your email campaigns

Your readership probably uses different platforms to network and engage online. Make sure you’re making the most out of your email marketing campaign by including social follow buttons. This way, people can simply click on an image to start following you on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

You could also target certain groups of people by using social media insights. For example, if there are a group of people who have engaged with you on Twitter, send an email campaign directly to these people. This way, you’re integrating different methods of communication.

  • Encourage blog subscriptions

You can’t email everyone whenever you post a new blog, but to make sure your blog posts are read by more people, encourage blog subscriptions in your email campaigns.

  • Mobile integration

Make sure you check your website analytics and email campaign analytics to ensure you know exactly how many people are viewing your site and reading your emails on their mobile phones. You can target mobile users by sending both plain test and HTML versions of your email, ensuring more people are able to read your emails.

Need help with your integrated email campaign strategy or management? Contact WSI OMS today.