Are you slogging away at crafting content that gets minimal engagement? Then these social media marketing tips on how to get more views and better engagement on LinkedIn, are for you.

Get Help from Your Friends

When posting content to LinkedIn, the number of shares you get directly following your post impacts LinkedIn’s algorithm. If people are commenting and sharing within the first few hours, LinkedIn takes notice.

A good social marketing tip would be to reach out to your friends and colleagues before you post an article. Ask them to like it to increase the number of people who will see your content in their news feeds.

Post Directly into LinkedIn

Posting someone else’s article on LinkedIn isn’t the best way to get engagement. This is because the reader then has to click on the article, go read it, go back to LinkedIn, and comment. As you can see, this just adds additional steps for them to engage with you. So, you actually get more engagement if you type your post directly into LinkedIn Publisher.

Tips for Posting

While LinkedIn does give you 1 300 characters, they only show the first three lines of what you’re writing to people. Given this, make sure you have a hook that will compel them to click and see the rest of your post. 

Secondly, space out your text instead of having it in one big, thick paragraph. Content that is presented as a wall of text is hard to read and will not engage readers. Use subheads as well as shorter sentences and paragraphs to improve readability.

Thirdly, it’s important to note that posts that perform well generally share a perspective. Whether it’s your opinion, personal experience or an interesting observation, make sure you’re adding something new to the conversation. 

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