These days, for many businesses, offline and online times are tough. People are looking for value and ways to eliminate the unnecessary. Online marketing is a way to reach online communities via your website and to convert prospects into buyers. All you need to do is to make sure that your services or products is considered necessary. You also need to market smarter during hard times.

Online marketing is an effective and low cost way to increase your sales. Find below a couple of tips on how you can increase your sales online during a recession.

Call to Action

When new visitors arrive to your website, there needs to be a clear path to action. This always needs to be visible on the home page and should be clear to the visitor in the first few seconds of arrival. Your visitors should always know what your website is about and what steps to do next.

Pay Per Click

Well written pay per click advertising campaigns can rapidly increase your sales. To do this, increase your advertising budget and target your advertisements around geographical or other demographics. Create your advertisements around each of your specific products and then make sure the advertisement delivers the visitor to the specific page where you describe the product with a clear CTA (call to action) to make sure the visitor takes an action.

Blog Marketing

This is a powerful marketing tool and I believe every business should have one. With a blog you can broadcast your marketing messages to every corner of the world thanks to RSS (Real Simple Syndication) and other Web 2.0 tools. Your blog can also build trust and credibility and encourage conversation with your targeted customer. People will buy from businesses that they trust.

You can use your blog to strengthen your relationships, build your brand, develop a loyal readership and to get new customers. The key to effective blogging is to regularly write interesting original content that your targeted customer will be interested in. A major benefit of blogging is that it can dramatically improve your search engine rankings of your website.

Social Networking

Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to name but a few are great Social Networking websites and tools where you can engage with other people that shares the same interests. Social Media Marketing is powerful and if done correctly, can increase visibility to your products and services drastically.

There are hundreds of social networking sites out there; many are focused around a topic, interest or particular group. Find one that your targeted customer is active in and participate yourself. This will envolve some research from your side to be done.

Stay in touch

Marketing to your past customers can also be a quick way to increase business leads and sales. Email marketing can keep them coming back to purchase other products. In most businesses, 80% of the sales come from 20% of the customers. Stay in touch with your biggest customers on a regular basis. You aren’t trying to sell anything, you are just touching bases. You will be surprised on how much more business can come from this.

Leave a comment below if you require more information regarding online marketing.