Most people know that infographics are appealing, but they’re not sure how to go about creating them. How many stats should you include? Should you be designing illustrations or charts? The long answer is that it depends on your goals, your audience and your topic. There is, however, a bit of a shorter answer if you look at web analytics.

According to research, the top five performing infographics average around 11 data points each. While you may be inclined to assume that more data equals more success, this isn’t always the case. If you spend hours compiling data and designing a comprehensive, long infographic, you may be disappointed to learn that this infographic drew fewer clicks and led to fewer conversions than their shorter counterparts.

Now that you know how long your ideal infographic should be, it’s time to discuss content. The infographics that draw the most attention and get the most shares give their audience the information they want. Instead of choosing data that would be popular to the masses, rather do research amongst your target audience to find out what would be specifically relevant to your ideal customer. You can browse through LinkedIn groups or pay attention to Instagram and Twitter hashtags to get an idea of the type of content your target audience is discussing.

One of the major tips that we’ve picked up over the years is to keep infographics very focused. Instead of sprinkling different interesting stats into a single graphic, keep your information very siloed so that you can drive a single, focused point across.

Need help with your graphic design or website design? Then contact WSI OMS today.