When evaluating any business venture, whether it is a new start-up or a proven franchise model such as WSI’s, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is, “What is the true market potential here?”
This may sound like a basic component of due diligence, but quite often the promise and excitement of starting something new gets in the way of this fundamental consideration. The reality is, many seemingly great business ideas fail because of limited demand and market potential. We are in the infancy of the digital marketing revolution and there is no ceiling in sight.
Joining WSI means becoming part of the Internet Revolution, and that’s not a term we use lightly. Few technological innovations have changed the world of business, and society in general, as dramatically as the Internet. In terms of impact on society and our lives, the Internet shares space with the telephone and intercontinental air travel, and its influence as a media channel is eclipsing radio and television. This impact can be seen everywhere and the Internet remains a steady growth industry, continually finding its way into every facet of daily life.
Studies show that the share of Internet marketing as a total percentage of advertising spending is expected to climb to more than 18 percent in 2012. The market potential is indisputable, and the opportunity to profit from digital marketing is significant. Our proven systems are the blueprint for taking advantage of that opportunity.
If it sounds like we’re trying to sell the Internet here, that’s because it’s what we do. Since 1995, we’ve been on the leading edge, making businesses more profitable and seeing our franchisees achieve their personal and financial goals.
If you think you would like to take on an exciting challenge and run your own Internet marketing business, why not come along to the International Franchise Exhibition 2011, which takes place at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg from the 26 -28th May 2011 and chat to us about how you could build and operate a WSI Franchise joining a family of over 1,500 trained consultants worldwide
- Our Objective: to deliver the ABCs of Digital Marketing Success to SMEs globally
- Our Methodology: the WSI Internet Solutions Lifecycle System™
- Our Advanced Solutions: powered by WSI Modular Development Technology™
- Our Global Repository Of Products And Services: the WSI eMarketplace
- Our Customer Service Excellence: achieved through global reach and local touch
While the WSI brand gives clients confidence in working with a global organization, it is our proven systems and infrastructure that deliver the results for them. Built through years of research and development, WSI’s patented tools and technologies – coupled with an eMarketplace of proven, qualified production centers and suppliers throughout the world – allow our franchisees to enjoy unprecedented economies of scale. This remarkable blend of brand reputation, proven systems, and supplier eMarketplace, renders our Digital Marketing Consultants as experts, before they’ve even begun. This is, in part, WSI’s unfair advantage.
For those looking to enter the world of entrepreneurship, a business in a high-growth industry with minimal overhead, no inventory, and recurring revenue is a compelling proposition. Now couple this business model with a franchise system, offering a proven method for doing business, training and mentoring, and ongoing support, and you’ve got a blueprint for success.
Come along and invest a few hours in talking to a number of WSI franchisees and get the information from the ‘coal face’ that you require to run a successful business and create a lifestyle you have always wanted.