If inbound marketing is all about creating value for your customers and prospects in order to grow organically into an industry leader and esteemed brand… is paying for advertising not a cheat?
Yes and no
As with so many things in life, there is no definitive answer. Paid advertising a case of not “what”, but “how”.
No one likes to be bombarded with annoying, intrusive ads. However, finding a gem of a product or service through an ad is a treat.
Inbound approach to paid advertising
A service like Google’s AdWords, allows you to “be seen by customers at the very moment that they’re searching on Google for the things you offer.” While Facebook’s Adverts, allows you to select an audience who “are more likely to care about your business.”
Neither of these would work if you didn’t approach your ad creation with an inbound mindset. Because paid advertising leads to something of value to your fans, it is more relevant for the people who see them. That, in turn, increases leads and customers – a real result. When done correctly, paid advertising leads to good content, and is an extremely effective contribution to a well-rounded inbound marketing strategy.
It’s cost-effective too
With the advances in technology which allows service providers to know so much about their users, these digital paid ads are very accurate in targeting the right prospects. So much so, that PPC stands for “pay per click” – in other words, you only pay when they click to visit your website or call.
So whether your marketing goal is to bring in new website visitors, grow online sales, get the phones ringing, or keep customers coming back for more; let us help you generate new leads today.
Contact us today to review your PPC ads, analyse your landing pages, and suggest ways to improve your overall campaign.