Many businesses have taken up blogging and have embarked on comprehensive content marketing strategies. But, how often do you stop to think about how your brand sounds online? A book called Sounds Like Branding suggests that what consumers hear during a brand experience is the key to forming a positive opinion about the company.
Brands spend countless of hours on brand strategies to try to elicit the right emotions from their customers, but have they focused too closely on their campaign? Sound Advice found that 60% of companies haven’t identified how they sound to their customers.
Studies show that out of all the senses, hearing is the one most strongly linked to emotion. If content marketing is about storytelling and words have the ability to strike up powerful emotions, it’s clear that companies can’t operate on a single plane any longer.
Brands need dynamic marketing strategies that include high-quality writing and compelling sound. Marketers have already heard a lot about video marketing and industry experts say it’s the next big thing. Video creation requires more than information scripts. It demands brands to think about how they sound, the impression they are creating, and how they want to be perceived by potential clients.
Marketers can’t solely focus on the words scrolling down the teleprompter – they must also consider their inflexion, pitch and tone as well. It’s time to think long and hard about whether your brand is coming across as you want it to online. If you’re ready to voice your opinion instead of just blogging about it on your website, then contact WSI OMS today.