LinkedIn is an incredible platform with more than 467 million members worldwide. This provides an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to do more with their professional life. Here are a few LinkedIn hacks that will make you look like a pro:

  • Add A Showcase Page

If you have a business page on LinkedIn, you can add a Showcase page to promote permanent aspects of your business, such as annual events, news, product lines and more. The Showcase page offers many of the same features as a Company page, but offers a space to link employee profiles, have career pages and even job posting pages. You can also include sponsor updates, page analytics and update notifications. These pages appear in search results for searches and members can follow your Showcase page.

  • Test Your Profile Shots

It is hard to judge your own photos. Many times, a photo of yourself that you like may not present you as trustworthy and attractive. One way to make sure you are using your best photos is to use Photofeeler to split test the photos that you are going to use. Photofeeler is a free online tool that lets the public vote on your photos. When you upload your photo, people will vote on the images in terms of likability, competence and influence.

  • Use Other Social Platforms To Grow Your LinkedIn Network

If you do not have many connections on LinkedIn, start searching for people on your Facebook, Twitter and Email list. From here, you can move onto your former colleagues, old school friends and people you meet and industry events. Make a point of adding all your connections on LinkedIn.

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