It goes without saying that great customer service is king. But, how do you determine whether your clients are indeed happy with the service levels they are receiving? Well, don’t wait for a Hellopeter mention! Be pro-active and measure your service by asking your customers. Unfortunately, using traditional surveys for these purposes have a very low response rate. Enter the one-click email banner survey – it will provide you with surprisingly sophisticated feedback insights. Below are suggestions on what constitutes a successful one-click email survey:


  • Short ‘N Sweet


The shorter the survey, the more chance of a response.


  • Creative Campaigning


Keep your campaign creative to add to the impact. Personalise your survey with your company logos, colours and images.


  • Check Your Tech


A one-click survey needs the tech to support it. So, make sure your email software has the image-mapping technology to achieve this.


  • Real Reviews


Clients who respond to your one-click email survey are more likely to respond to an invite/request to give a review/testimonial. This will create an increased chance to get testimonials and case studies that you can display on your website. And, especially if the surveys are run regularly over time, you can really see the resulting service improvements.


  • Reward The Right Role Players


An email banner survey can be personalised for the sender, for example, by rating individual members of your sales team and the service they’re providing. So, when the results are reported, it can show who performs best in your customer service and you can reward them accordingly.

  • Rapid Response
    No one wants a negative response from a survey. But, if you do get one, then you’ve got a chance to put things right. Your banner survey should alert you to any service problems in real time. This will enable you to immediately contact the respondent, not wait for a report… or worse, a mention on Hellopeter or a public complaint on your social media account.

If you need help to measure your service quality with one-click email banner surveys, contact WSI OMS for assistance today.