Did you know that if you have a website or a blog you can let it generate a stream of income besides the internet marketing of your services and products? The web is full of opportunities for the entrepreneur.

Even though monetizing your blog and website could generate extra income for you or your business, don’t expect overnight success. Once again it comes down to how well your website is ranked, and how many visitors it targets and receives.

You won’t generate an income with your website if no one visits your website. Be sure that your website is search engine optimized – on page and off page. Your website needs to be visible and by that I actually mean reachable.

A great way to get targeted traffic to your website or blog is through social media. With Social Media, you can also build trust and credibility with your brand name and services. Nothing could have a greater impact on your business if thousands of people could market your products and services for you.

Once you are receiving a satisfying number of visitors to your website, you can begin by monetizing it. There are a couple of ways you can go about doing this and find a couple below.

Google Adsense:

Sign up for a Google Adsense account and place Google ads on your website or blog. These are relevant context search engine ads where you are paid every time someone clicks on one of the ads.

Text Links

This is a controversial tactic, selling text links for link popularity, but perfectly acceptable if “no-follow” tags are added. Once your blog has a decent ranking, sell one-way text links to webmasters who have niche-relevant websites.


YouTube has implemented “Google Adsense” onto their videos where if someone clicks on the add-on the video, you will get paid. Another service, Thenewsroom.com allows you to find and embed videos on your website. When video news content with an advertisement is played by your viewers, you’ll earn a flat-rate CPM (cost per thousand plays).

Affiliate Marketing

Be a middle man! Receive a commission every time one of your readers ends up buying products that you advertise. This includes companies like Amazon and other affiliate campaigns.


Contract to write postings on your own blog. This can include product reviews and postings with links to sponsored websites. You can get writing assignments from services such as PayperPost, Review Me, and LoudLaunch.

Ghost Writing

Take writing assignments for businesses that don’t have the time or skills to write their own basic blog content. Here you will write for their blog.

These are some of the basic ways how you can generate an income with your website or blog. Contact us if you require more information regarding this process or search engine optimization to increase the traffic to your website or blog.