To get a constant stream of unique visitors to a website is the ultimate goal in any internet marketing strategy. No matter how professional the design of the website is or how well it converts visitors into buyers, it is useless if no one finds your website.
Before you start with the designing and development of your website, you must also decide on the best strategy to bring visitors to your new website.
What you can do
- Organic SEO: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) uses keywords, meta descriptions, keywords in the text, headings and page names. You must also get other relevant sites to link to your website. For best organic SEO results, it should be built into the website from the start.
- Pay per click: Advertise directly on the search engines to get almost instant results. For the best conversions, traffic should be directed to targeted landing pages.
- Social media: Regular blogging attracts readers that are interested in your topic and message. Social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn are good for developing a following of targeted users. Links from these sources are helpful in SEO.
- Email marketing: Develop opt-in mailing lists and market your site. This way you will have targeted users that’s allready interested in your services. Find other related companies that have prominent newsletters. Approach them to allow you to advertise on their email newsletters.
- Promote in print ads: Include your URL on all newspaper and magazine ads. Include your website URL on all invoices, statements, proposals, letterheads, business cards and brochures.
- Education: Setup a webinar and promote it on the social networks. Give away a free report or analysis. Offer a free ebook on your site. This could be information that would be helpful to your visitors that contains your business information, too.