To have an optimized Twitter profile page can allow you to attract more followers.  It is effectively your “home” page on Twitter.  Treat it the same way as the home page of your website as well.  It is also the first impression many people will have of you.  Your branding should always be consistent across all your social networking profiles and pages.  This is where social media optimization comes into place.

The focus of Twitter and using it is to say a lot with very little.  You will be surprised by how much information you can cram into 140 characters, including a link.

On your Twitter “home” page, include an informative intriguing bio about you in just a few words.  Customize your profile page so potential followers will be convinced they don’t want to miss your next Tweet.

Find below a couple of tips on how you can optimize your Twitter profile page.

What can you do?

On your Twitter profile page, Twitter controls the header area, the bio area and the tweet area.  You can customize the background image and your profile image.  You can also control your username, the content of your bio and the best of all…your tweet content.

Your name

Twitter only allows you to use up to 15 characters for your username.  If you can, include your company name, brand or domain name.

Profile image

Always use a consistent profile picture across all the social media tools that you use.  This is also part of your branding strategy to be recognizable and to build familiarity with your brand.


Provide a short informative description that quickly summarized who you are and what you do.  You only have 160 characters to do this, so write carefully.  A good bio is to tell visitors what benefits do your followers get from following you.


Design the background image that you will be using to give the maximum visual impact.  Branding should always match your colors.  Design for seamless repeat.  Many users includes their company image together with contact information regarding them on their design.

If you are using social media to increase your company brand awareness and to build trust and credibility, social media optimization is absolutely vital for this.

Leave a comment below if you require additional information regarding social media optimization.