Mobile marketing is still a common buzz word online and I really believe that it’s not going to stop anytime soon. Smartphones and other mobile devices have really made the social web easily accessible to more people and they can access it at any time. To reach your target audience you don’t have to sit in front of your computer all day long to engage with potential customers through the social web.

Everyday you will find more  mobile devices being released that allows users to interact with social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn to name but a few from practically anywhere. This means that people with these devices are always connected even when they are busy. Did you know that you can also monitor your email marketing stats directly from your smart phone or tablet? This enables you to respond very quickly to replies, customer requests, transactions, and sales opportunities.

Monitor your marketing campaign

If you are busy merchandising your online e-commerce store for a promotion you are going to run it’s physically impossible to sit in front of your computer 24 hours a day because I’m sure you have other work to do, but you can use your mobile to monitor your campaign when you are not in front of your computer.

If anyone replies to your latest “specials” tweet and they have a question, your smartphone will notify you and it enables you to send out a direct response to them in near real time answering their question. When your Facebook page receives a comment, you can also be notified immediately and then respond in mere seconds. This is all possible via the mobile web.

All the mobile devices with social media integration are making the social web more accessible to customers and business owners. This is a huge opportunity that you shouldn’t miss and a good reason to take your social media marketing campaign mobile.