Found a blog post on Social Media Optimization by Adam Singer where five members of the digital marketing community discussed 16 rules for social media optimization.

Find the rules regarding “social media optimization” they discussed with a short description of each one below. Be sure to check the Adam Singer’s post here: Social Media Optimization Redux

Increase your linkability
People need to know about your blog. Increase your blog or website’s from quality relevant resources.

Make tagging and bookmarking easy
Add bookmarking information on your pages. A retweet button is excellent for twitter tweets. If your content is good, people will share it.

Reward inbound Links
Inbound links has always been a good way to promote similar categories on your web pages and blogs.

Help your content travel
This is an excellent way to promote your business. This envolves portable music files, videos, PDF documents, etc.

Encourage the mashup
Syndicate your content through RSS will make it easy for others to create mashups that can drive traffic to your website. YouTube has been doing it for a while now where you can embed their videos on your website and blog.

Be a user resource, even if it doesn’t help you
Add value to users, including outbound links to areas that could help them with their goals and purposes.

Reward helpful and valuable users
Most often valuable users will be influencers and champions within your social site, devise ways to elevate them by promoting their works on the homepage, or develop a rating system.

Join in on the conversation. That is what Social Media is all about. Participating will mean your content will travel faster and usually with a snowball effect.

Know how to target your audience
Be always aware of your targeted audience. Be sure you understand the subject matter and the community living and breathing it.

Create content
Content is king!!! The social web requires you to create content. With so few who actually create content and stick with it, this is a tremendous opportunity if you have the persistence and passion to go the distance.

Be real
In simpler terms, don’t be fake.

Don’t forget your roots, be humble
Remember those who helped you on your way.

Don’t be afraid to try new things, stay fresh
Social media is changing by the minute. Keep your style fresh and clean.

Develop a SMO strategy
Set goals and objectives for your strategy. Reputation, sales, influence, credibility, charity, traffic/page views, etc.

Choose your SMO tactics wisely
Choose your SMO tactics wisely. Be cognizant of what actions will influence the desired outcome with the most impact.

Make SMO part of your process and best practises
Make SMO part of your process and best practices. As with good SEO, SMO tactics should become part of your organization’s best practices.

You can read the full article here: Social Media Optimization Redux

Website/Online marketing is not about the platform but the idea surrounding it. The platform is an enabler, helping you to utilize it effectively. Social media is gaining in popularity. By becoming involved in this dynamic communication environment yourself you are opening up to another marketing channel.

Browse to our website if you want more information regarding our social media marketing services.