Using social media platforms to promote businesses and connecting with clients is common practice nowadays. Considering that it costs nothing to set up profiles on these platforms and the far reach of these networks, any company that does not make use of these mediums to promote themselves should have their head examined or, at the very least, their marketing strategy.

Platforms like Twitter and Facebook also offer advertising opportunities that you’d be well advised to make use of, seeing as these are very cheap and have proven to be very effective.

However, you probably know all this and already have a presence on all of these platforms, and you’ve probably also already invested in the advertising opportunities they offer. This blog wasn’t written to urge you to get with the times. This blog was written to make you aware of some of the most common mistakes companies make on social media platforms – mistakes you can avoid by hiring internet marketing professionals like WSI OMS.

Still, before you get the professionals involved, start implementing change now by following these tips

  1. Be subtle. Don’t blatantly advertise your products and/or services. What people are looking for on these platforms is interesting and thought provoking content. Try to involve people in discussions and only then start talking about who you are and what you do. An easy way to do this is to post questions that relate to the type of products you sell and/or services you provide.
  2. Reply to all views expressed about your business and your industry. If people are talking about the industry you’re in, take part in the discussion. Here again it is important to remember to be subtle. Don’t enter conversations by blatantly advertising yourself.
  3. Post regularly and reply quickly. Post something new as soon as the discussion around your last post starts dying down. Reply to queries within 30 minutes.

Contact us to ensure that you get your social media marketing strategy exactly right.

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