Many of our blog’s readers are already very familiar with LinkedIn. We have noticed, however, that some people are still not reaping the full benefits because they do not have a solid grasp on the post sharing settings. Read our top three must-knows:

  • The Company Follow Page Is Hidden On The Company Pages

You have to find a company’s LinkedIn page and then click on the three dots in the top right corner to find the follow button. Many people who are not used to following company pages on LinkedIn might look around the page and click away when they do not see the “follow” button front and centre. Make sure you tell people where to find this follow button (it is under the three dots!). Consider including a screenshot of the profile and add an arrow so that they know where to look when they visit your company’s LinkedIn page.

  • Share The Company Post URL, Not The Actual Company Page Post

If you are creating blogs or posting content to your page, then most people (including your staff) will click on the “Share” button underneath the post on your LinkedIn timeline. If you click on the tiny three dots on the top right side of the post, you will see the option “copy link to post”. This is a public link. And, wherever you share the URL, they will not only see the post image and excerpt, but also a “follow” button to your company page, which will appear on the left-hand side of the post. This is a much more powerful way to share content because it will promote your LinkedIn profile instead of sending people directly to the article on your blog.

  • Copy The Link To Your Posts And Share It Outside Of LinkedIn

When you copy the link to your post (by getting the URL when you click on the three little dots), you should share this post outside of LinkedIn on Twitter, Facebook, in blog posts, in the comments of a YouTube video, etc. Anyone who sees it can click on it and view that post. The only way this will work is if you change the settings underneath the post to be “public” instead of for your connections only.

WSI OMS offers the best LinkedIn marketing services in South Africa. Contact us for a consultation today.