Any eCommerce business knows the importance of optimising conversion rates and profits. From the landing page to the payment confirmation page, you need to ensure the flow through each step is optimised for the best results. Focusing a large amount of effort on your product pages is a good place to start. Here are some tips to get you on the right track:

  • Product images: use high-quality, dynamic images of your products, taking into consideration the size and image quality. Larger images tend to get more sales, while detailed alternative views can give customers more information. Make sure your images are consistent in their look and feel, with uncluttered backgrounds. Showing the product in context can also help, like a model wearing jewellery.
  • Zoom features: making sure your customers can zoom right into the images can make a real difference with conversion rates. Online customers need to see as much detail as possible.
  • Use wish lists: this helps customers remember products they liked but couldn’t buy straight away. Some wish or want buttons post to people’s Facebook timelines, which can drive social traffic to your site – since people love to buy off recommendations.
  • Show customer testimonials and reviews: having product reviews placed alongside the products saves customers leaving your site to get more information. Over 80% of people trust customer reviews as much as personal recommendations, so it’s silly not to cash in on this trust.
  • Reassure your customers by adding a privacy policy to sign-up forms: this helps to establish trust with your customers, who feel better knowing you are not going to share their details with anyone.
  • Personalise the shopping experience: as customers view items, they get shown recommended related products, e.g. a customer looking at hiking boots could be shown a list of related products, like backpacks, walking sticks, water bottles and socks.
  • Use your visual hierarchy effectively: the way your customers’ eyes are drawn to a product listing can shape the buying process. If sales are not what they should be, try rearranging the visual path people take when they view a product. A good rule of thumb is to draw the eye to the product name, then image, then detail and finally more info button.
  • Get the length of your copy right: more expensive or complex products often require more content than simple and inexpensive products.
  • Be upfront with your shipping charges: leaving it right until the end of the buying process can lead to disappointment. Showing your shipping charges or having a very clear link to what those charges are, can help with conversion.

Remember, with any changes you make to your product landing pages, you need to do A/B testing, or you won’t know how well the changes worked. If you need some assistance with your website design and landing pages, contact us.